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Chapter 13 (December 7, 2018).

Officer Carpenter is driving Solar, alongside Star and Mark like earlier. “Oh man, this is bad! This is really bad!” Star cries, panicking.

“How did those crooks manage to commit such a thing!?” Mark worries.

“Well, however they did it, we gotta get to the Mobian hospital quickly!” Officer Carpenter exclaims. “I’ll see if my wife Nurse Proffitt can do something about this!”

Star then sees Solar quietly crying profusely. “It’s gonna be okay, Solar, it’s gonna be okay,” he says as he rubs her back. “We’ll be able to get your voice back somehow.”

Mark looks back at this and pulls out a blue stress ball from his jacket. “Here,” he says. “I’ve given these to sad young children before, and they’ve always worked out pretty well for them.” Solar takes the stress ball and squeezes it with her right hand. Although she’s still very sad about losing her voice, she does feel at least a little bit relieved.

“Ah, here we are, everyone!” Officer Carpenter says to everyone as he stops at a parking lot in front of the Mobian City Hospital. Officer Gale is parked to his left, and everyone gets out of the cars.

“Is this the hospital right here?” Lily asks Officer Carpenter.

“Yep. It’s where my wife works,” Officer Carpenter replies. Everyone then starts walking towards the hospital. “She’s been working here for about five years, handling many types of ailments, conditions, stuff like that.”

“Has she handled lost voices before?” Nite asks.

“Well, I personally haven’t seen that,” Officer Carpenter replies. “But I’m sure she can look at what’s going on with Solar and do something about it.” Everyone walks into the hospital.

After a while, everyone walks into the gold-furred Nurse Toni Proffitt-Carpenter’s operating room. “Hello, sweetheart,” Officer Carpenter says.

Nurse Proffitt sees Officer Carpenter and says, “Officer Carpenter, what a pleasant surprise!” They both hug and kiss each other. “It’s great to see you at this time of day!”

“Same with you, sweetheart!” Officer Carpenter replies.

“So, what brings you here, may I ask?” Nurse Proffitt asks.

“Well, I came here with a whole group of friends, and also three kids,” Officer Carpenter answers. “And this right here is the one we’re helping.”

“Aw, you’re so cute!” Nurse Proffitt says to Solar. “What’s your name, sweetie?”

“Well, she would like to answer that,” Officer Carpenter says. “But there’s a problem with her.”

“Oh no, what happened?” Nurse Proffitt asks.

“She lost her voice,” Officer Carpenter answers.

Nurse Proffitt gasps. She then says, “Oh, you poor little thing!” She then gives Solar a hug.

“Yeah,” Officer Carpenter says. “She’s also the sister of these two boys right here,” he then says as Star and Nite walk up to Nurse Proffitt.

“Hello, nurse,” Star and Nite say, waving.

“Hey, boys,” Nurse Proffitt replies. “Do any of you know how this happened?”

“We all do,” Lily answers. “That girl wrote in my notebook that a trio of criminals stole her voice.”

“Aw,” Nurse Proffitt replies. “I’ll tell you what, just give me a couple minutes alone with this girl, and I’ll have her done and feel all better.”

“Got it,” Officer Carpenter replies as he and everyone else leaves the room.

“Alright, let’s see here...” Nurse Proffitt says, looking at Solar’s face. She then notices something below the left cheek. “Oh my gosh! There’s a little blue area right here!” This makes Solar start to freak out. “Don’t panic, don’t panic,” Nurse Proffitt says. “I can fix this. I just need to see through it. Here, step behind this x-ray board for me.” Solar then walks behind an x-ray board, where Nurse Proffitt sees a lot of blue liquid inside the cheek. “Hm... alright, step out, and I’m gonna have to do an operation. I suggest you lay down on my operating table.” Solar then walks toward the operating table and lays down on it with visible fear in her eyes. Nurse Proffitt walks up to Solar with tools and says, “Alright, this might hurt, but it’ll be over and done with soon.”

After about ten minutes, Solar and Nurse Proffitt walk out of the operating room. Solar has three little stitches on her left cheek. “Solar!” Star and Nite both say, giving her a hug.

“Well, I got her operation done with,” Nurse Proffitt says.

“Good,” Mark replies. “So is she able to talk again?”

“After a while, she can,” Nurse Proffitt answers. “She had some blue liquid that I recognized seeing before, and all I had to do was cut her cheek up and drain that liquid out. She did also lose some blood, but hey, that happens.”

“Ah, I knew you could do it, honey!” Officer Carpenter says.

“I did too, sweetie!” Nurse Proffitt replies, hugging Officer Carpenter again. “Just give her a few minutes, maybe an hour or so, and she’s all good to go!”

“Thank you so much for helping, this means everything to us!” Mark says.

“I can imagine, sir!” Nurse Proffitt replies. “And you’re very much welcome!”

“Alright, everyone, I think it’s about time we head all the way over to this town that you three kids live at,” Officer Gale says. “Let’s go!” Everyone walks out of the hospital.

“Bye, Nurse Proffitt!” Star and Nite say.

“Bye, everyone!” Nurse Proffitt replies just as everyone leaves.

A while later, everyone comes across Dave, Sarah, and Sophie. “Solar!” all three of them cheer, hugging Solar.

“Where did you guys manage to find her?” Sarah asks.

“Well, we found her captured by a criminal scientist, but when found her, she lost her voice,” Star explains.

“Thankfully, though, Officer Carpenter’s wife at the hospital got her taken care of, and after a while, she’ll be able to talk again!” Nite explains.

“That’s good to hear,” Dave replies. “So, how about we all head on down to this little town that you guys live at?”

“We’re way ahead of you, guys,” Officer Gale replies. “Into the cars we go!” Dave and Sarah go with Officer Gale, Nite and Lily. Sophie goes with Star, Solar, Mark, and Officer Carpenter. Both officers drive off on their journey to Wattersonville.

A while later, Officer Gale comes across a sign that says, ‘Wattersonville, next exit’ on it. “Wattersonville, that’s our town!” Nite says.

“Wattersonville?” Officer Gale replies. “Alright, let’s go then.” He then drives right, which is where the exit goes. He then sees an explosion happen in the town. “Oh no... Oh dear...”

“What was that!?” Nite asks.

“I don’t know, but whatever caused that explosion, it can’t possibly be good,” Lily replies.

“And it looks like it happened in this Wattersonville town you live in,” Dave says.

“Yeah, we definitely need to see what is happening there, and exactly what caused that explosion!” Nite replies.

“Yeah,” Sarah says. “And it’s not going to be pretty.”

Chapter 14 (May 10, 2019).

Wattersonville has turned into a dystopian-looking city with wrecked buildings, a lot of places being on fire, and all of the erinafeli that live here or are visiting running for their lives. When all of the heroes arrive, they all have dread on their faces, especially the Starlights. “Well... we’re here... and to say that a massive number was done here would be an understatement...” Nite says.

“Yeah, you can say that again,” Officer Gale.

In the other car, Solar is crying profusely from seeing all of the destruction in front of all of the heroes. She then closes her eyes and hides her faces in between her knees. Sophie then puts her right hand on Solar’s left shoulder. Solar then looks at Sophie for a short while, and then proceeds to hugs her hard. This gesture makes Sophie a little surprised, but she understands completely at the same time, and she then hugs her much more softly.

Star looks at all of the destruction going on with complete fear, and also a little bit of anger, in his eyes. “Overlord Nebula, you will pay for this!” he says.

“Hey, Star,” Officer Carpenter starts. “Speaking of Overlord Nebula, would these be your adult family members right here, trapped most likely by Nebula?”

Star gasps, and then says, “What!?” Officer Carpenter then parks in front of the Starlights’ house so everyone can get out, with Officer Gale parking behind him so everyone in that car can get out.

The Starlights then run towards their parents and the other family members of theirs, all of whom have fallen asleep and are tied up. They then see their front door open and see Overlord Nebula, laughing maniacally. “Nebula!” Star and Nite shout.

“Ah, it was only a matter of time before you three would come all the way over here!” Overlord Nebula says as East, Orbo, and Ray pop up behind him.

“You’re not getting away with this, Nebula!” Nite shouts.

“That’s right! Bring your hands where we all can see them! While holding nothing!” Officer Carpenter shouts as he, Officer Gale, Mark, and Lily all bring out their guns and point them all to Overlord Nebula.

Under his breath, Nebula replies with, “As you wish, Officer...” As he says that, he secretly presses a button on his staff and drops it on the floor. The button casts a spell that brings the Starlights and everyone around them to a whole other place. They are now on a ground that looks like they’re standing on a massive pile of stars with the sky looking like they’re in space. Everyone except for Nebula is massively surprised by this change.

“Yikes, uh, I never knew that, uh, he was capable of doing that! Did anyone here know that he could do that?” Orbo says to East and Ray.

“So, by now, you’re all wondering how exactly I managed to come back after that war from 40 years ago that your parents told you all about!” Nebula starts with the Starlights. “Well, with that war, your family did in fact kill me at the end and become the winners. But long before I even went in that war, I made sure that I had written down all of my work on an experiment that I did. I made sure that if I died, someone would bring me back to life with my formula, and to test that, I gathered enough energy needed to regenerate body parts with even just one of an erinafelis’s bones.”

“What!? So you were killed, but got brought back to life!?” Nite replies. “And what lunatic found that formula and used it on you!?”

Nebula picks his staff back up to summon a holographic screen. “Well, funny you should ask,” he says just before the screen appears.

All of the heroes (except for Solar, whose voice is still recovering) gasp and shout, “Professor Steve Pager!?”

“Why hello, everyone!” Professor Steve Pager says, speaking through a monitor in his jail cell. “It seems that you all just discovered something very special that I got to do. I mean, sure, Nebula created the resurrection formula, but I at least am the one who conducted it successfully, and of course had some help from Rich and Greg!”

Another holographic screen pops up, and shows someone else familiar saying, “Don’t forget me, Professor Pager!”

“Mr. Ivo Wright!?” Mark, Lily, Star, and Nite shout.

“Oh yeah,” Mr. Wright replies.

“But how could you!?” Mark asks.

“Well, before I was your boss at the Mobian City Agency, I used to work for Professor Pager as well,” Mr. Wright starts. “I joined his laboratory about ten years after Officers Gale and Carpenter left, and when I first saw him panicking about not finding any experiments to his liking, I showed him this little formula I found while the Mobian City Agency was being built, and thought that we could test it out together. I mean, he took the formula for himself and conducted it in his own time, but he did let me give him most of the energy required.”

“Oh, you are so under arrest when we get back!” Officer Gale shouts.

“Oh, we’ll see about that,” Mr. Wright replies as Overlord Nebula casts a spell that pushes everyone but the Starlights into the police cars and locks them inside, with the locks on all of the doors also have an immovable spell cast on them.

NO!” Star and Nite shout.

“Oh yes!” Professor Pager and Mr. Wright both say as they then laugh a little. “Have fun with Nebula for us kids!” they both then say just before Nebula turns the holographic screens off.

“They’re right, we’re gonna have a great time together!” Overlord Nebula replies, laughing maniacally right afterwards.

Chapter 15 (March 27, 2023).

“Argh!!” Star starts, frustrated. “We won’t let you get away with this, Nebula!”

“Ah, we’ll see about that, Starlights!” Overlord Nebula laughs maniacally. “East! Orbo! Ray! Start!”

“You got it, sir!” East, Orbo, and Ray all respond. They then rush towards the Starlights for hand-to-hand combat.

East rushes towards Star with a right-hand punch, which Star blocks with his right leg. The same thing happens with her left hand and his left leg. She does another right-hand punch, only Star now deflects it with his left arm, and vice versa with her left hand and his right arm. Star goes for a left-hand punch to her stomach before kicking her head.

Orbo rushes towards Nite with a belly flop, which Nite dodges. Nite then jumps onto Orbo and lands on his feet on top of his back. Orbo then grabs Nite legs and throws him off, but Nite is agile enough to land on his feet again. Orbo gets up and blocks Nite’s right leg kick. Orbo initially lands a hit on Nite’s face with his left arm, and then Nite lands a hit on Orbo’s face with his left fist.

Ray starts with four kicks to Solar’s torso, but she moves back far enough to dodge them. She goes for a punch to his face and lands a hit. And then he grabs Solar by the throat, making her choke. Nite sees this from the right corner of his right eye. “Solar!” he shouts before he knocks out Orbo with a left kick to his face. He rushes towards Ray and lunges onto his face. “Let go of my sister you creep!” he says as he pulls back on his head. Ray lets go of Solar and then he and Nite fall to the ground, with Nite punching Ray’s face. Ray then grabs onto Nite’s hands and throws him forward.

Solar rubs on her throat from how hard Ray was choking her. She sees Star having a harder time with East as she starts blocking his attacks. After blocking two of his punches, she headbutts him on his face and kicks him back. Solar rushes towards Star to help him. “You doin’… okay, Solar?” he asks with two hard breath exhales. East rushes towards the two of them with a punch, but they luckily dodge this attack right on time.

Orbo gets back up and targets his next attack towards all three of the Starlights, who gang up together against East and Ray. Orbo then goes for a rush attack. The Starlights notice this attack and pull of a combo move. Star jumps behind East, Nite jumps behind Ray, and they both kick them towards Solar, who then jumps up to make East and Ray collide with each other. They pull off this move right when Orbo would’ve hit them, and he hits East and Ray instead, making them pile up into a knocked-out mess.

“Yes!” Star and Nite shout. Star also shouts “In your faces!”, while Nite also says, “That’ll teach ya!”

“Well well well,” Overlord Nebula says. “Quite impressive indeed. All three of you have done quite well against my servants. But now let’s see how you all do against… Overlord Nebula!” He moves his cape apart by moving his arms wide open in preparation for battle.

“Come on, kids! We’re all counting on you!” Flare says lightly.

“Oh, do I hope they come out of this fight alright!” Mark says.

Star stars the fight by lunging at him with four punches, all of which Nebula dodges. Star then goes for a jump kick with his left foot, but Nebula moves to the right. Nite then tries to leg sweep Nebula from behind, but he jumps and lands behind Nite. Nite then turns around for six punches, but Nebula moves back every time. Solar tries to jump onto his head, but he ducks and moves to the left very fast. She then goes for a kick, but he moves back once again, and at a pretty far distance too.

Laughing lighty, Nebula then says, “Just as I predicted. You may have been good enough against my servants, but most certainly not against yours truly.”

“We can’t let you get away with everything you’ve done, Nebula!” Nite shouts.

“Yeah! Restore everything to the way it all was or else!” Star shouts.

Nebula then laughs more and more. “Oh, how foolish and naive you all are to think I would be so scared by your very weak commands!” he responds. “All I’ve ever cared about is causing irreparable havok around everyone around me! That’s what a real villain always does!”

“You killed our grandparents! How can you find any joy in that!?” Star shouts.

Nebula laughs even harder, and much more loudly before explaining his past. “Oh, I’ve tried being nice to people many times before while growing up. At first, I thought it was, indeed, quite joyous. But then one day, when I was around your age, I found my father’s laser gun and thought it was one of those cool little toy guns I saw on TV. But then I brought it to him and pulled the trigger, thinking it was in fact just a toy, and saw him get pulverized. ‘Oh no! I shot my father dead! What have I done!? What will I do!?’ But oh, did I have a very special feeling inside. The special feeling of being unstoppable and able to shoot down anyone I deem to be lesser than me! And so began my wrath of destruction!” He laughs more and more.

“How did you even sleep at night!? How can you even live with yourself!?” Nite shout.

“Joy and kindness can only get you so far before you start feeling like wanting the whole world to destruct, even with how little reasoning you may have for this mindset! Respecting other people and their boundaries? No thank you, ruining their lives is so much more fun!” Nebula laughs.

“We’ll show you destruction!” Star and Nite both shout, rushing towards Nebula.

Nebula grabs his staff and freezes Star and Nite in place. “Hey! That’s not fair!” Star shouts.

“I gave both of you a chance with physical combat, but you couldn’t even land the smallest part of your fur on me!”, Nebula responds. He then casts a spell that pushes them away.

Solar then rushes for Nebula, but he pushes her off to a wall.

“Solar!!!!” Flare, Orion, Mark, Lily, Dave, Sarah, Sophie, Astro, Zodiac, Uvee, and Officers Carpenter and Gale all shout.

East, Orbo, and Ray all get back up and see Star and Nite trying to land hits on Nebula. “You guys thinkin’ what I’m thinkin’?” East asks.

“Way ahead of ya!” Orbo replies before the three of them rish towards Star and Nite.

Solar gets back up and sees her brothers running towards Nebula. She then sees him zapping them, shocking her. She then sees East kick Star’s back and then sees Nite get his arms grabbed by Orbo and Ray, who kick his back as well. She keeps seeing her brothers getting attacked and keeps feeling more and more scared. Until she gets a feeling in her right cheek and her throat. And then she starts to feel more rage from what is happening. Her face gets angrier. And angrier. And angrier. And she starts fuming. And her faces gets more red. And her mouth starts foaming. And her nose exhales air harder.

Overlord Nebula laughs harder at the sights unfolding in front of him with Star and Nite. But then he notices that his staff has been taken from him. “What the-!?” he says. He then sees Solar with the staff.


Everyone looks at Solar as she shouts that. “Solar!?” Star and Nite shout in awe, not expecting this out of her.

She rushes towards Nebula and starts landing hard hits on him with his staff. She starts with hitting the green orb side on his face, and then starts hitting the bottom on the back of his head. She then jumps on his back and lands hard, and then hits the back of his head again.

“Yeah! Way to go Solar!” Sophie says,

“That’s my girl!” Orion says.

“I knew she could do it!” Flare says.

“Wohoo! Yeah!” Everyone else in the car shouts.

“What the!?” Orbo says lightly.

Solar then backs away from Orion after enough hits. Orion then gets up slowly from the hits. “H-how did your voice come back?” he asks. “And how d-did you g… get that… strong?” Solar then moves the orb top of the staff close to the floor. “No! No no no no no! Stop! Whatever you plan on doing, stop right now!”

“You think I’m gonna listen to you after all of that! After everything you’ve done to my family!? My new friends!? My livelihood!? For far too long, I’ve been a punching bag for far too many people! Them saying my autism holds me back from adding up to anything special or deserving of praise! Them saying I can’t love whoever my heart truly desires! Them saying I can only be whatever I was born as and quote-unquote ‘destined’ to be, like the boy I once was! I’ve never been more sick of all of the times I’ve been treated like such a walking talking trash bag! And now… it’s finally time that I return the favor!”

She then moves the orb top of the staff and makes it hit the ground so hard, it breaks. “NO!!!!!!!! MY STAFF!!!!!!!! MY POWER!!!!!!!!” he shouts in horror. The car that everyone who isn’t the Starlight siblings got sent into gets unlocked and they all get out. The world around everyone starts going back to the real world.

East, Orbo, and Ray all start getting weird feelings as it turns out that they were all transformed into who they previously were. East turns back into a chicken, Orbo turns back into a pig, and Ray turns back into a turtle.

“AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! MY SERVANTS!!!!!!!!!!!! NO!!!! TURN BACK!!!!!!” Nebula shouts. He starts screaming more and more, and then he also sees himself disintegrating into ashes. “AAAAAHHHHH!!!!! NO NO NO!!!!!!!! THE LEGACY OF OVERLORD NEBULA CANNOT END LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!” All that’s left of him as he gives his final scream is his head and torso, which is quickly dusting away.


And just like that, Overlord Nebula is gone once more.

Everyone remaining looks all around them and no one can believe their eyes. “My god…” Star says quietly. “We did it… we all did it!” he then shouts innexcitement. He and his siblings cheer themselves on and hug each other. “We destroyed Overlord Nebula!”

Everyone else cheers them on as well. Flare and Orion in particular run towards them. “Star! Nite! Solar!” Flare shouts before she and Orion hug them. “Oh my god, we’re so proud of you three!” Orion says in tears of relief.

“We did it, mommy and daddy! We did it!” Solar says, with her own tears of relief.

Mark and Lily walk up to them. “My oh my, you three did it! Congratulations!” Mark says.

“Yeah,” Lily replies. “Who could ever have thought that it’d be a trio of adolescents like you who would stop the most evil overlord to have ever existed twice?”

Sophie runs up to Solar. “Oh my god, Solar, that was amazing!” she shouts, hugging her tightly.

“Thank you so much!” Solar replies. “That was crazy what I did, but yeah, I ruled!” They both laugh before proceeding to kiss each other.

“Haha! Looks like our little girl now has a true hero in her life!” Dave says, responding to the kiss.

“Yep! And we would never want it any other way!” Sarah replies.

“Well I’ll be darned! I’ve seen many shenanigans in my time, but absolutely nothing like this! This is definitely going in my weird discoveries list!” Uvee says to herself.

Three weeks later, construction by a big lot of workers is finally done to make a new Starligjts household after the damage that had been done to the last one by Overlord Nebula. Everyone that had been there during the battle comes back together in this sight.

“Wow,” Orion says. “I still can’t believe how we’ve managed to take down Overlord Nebula in a second, seemingly more powerful lifeform than how he was before!”

“Right?” Star replies. “We kicked their butts so hard, and even when it got to the toughest, our courage held as strong as ever!”

“Yeah,” Nite replies. “But me, personally, I think that most of the courage credit should go to the one that helped us out at the most surprising turn possible: Solar!”

Solar blushes. “Uh… yeah, hehe,” she laughs, nervously. “I got very much carried away there!” she laughs again.

“Nonsense!” Nite replies. “You’ve turned out to be the reason why everything’s slowly but surely getting back to normal! We would’ve been toast without you! No need to sell yourself so short in any form for any reason!”

“Yeah, you’re right,” Solar replies. “I guess that it may have come from me caring so much about my family, my livelihood, pretty much everything I’ve ever held near and dear, and not wanting to lose it all, wanting to prove that autistic and LGBTQ+ kids like me are a lot more than what a lot of people usually think. And if I can conquer this, I can conquer anything!” she says is a heroic tone like Star would.

“Correct!” Flare replies. “And we’re all so proud of you for coming through!”

“Well done, Starlights!” Officer Carpenter says, him and Officer Gale walking up to them. “I’ve never seen a battle that grand and that much of a relief in all my life!”

“Thank you so much, Officers!” Flare replies. “Especially for finding our daughter, from what our sons have told us!”

“No problem, lady!” Officer Gale says. “If you need anything else, give us a call!”

“Oh, I think we’re in the best possible hands in just our family alone!” Orion laughs, making everyone else laugh.

“Oh, yeah, uh, I forgot something,” Star starts asking.

“Oh yeah?” Orion asks.

“What about the servants that, for some weird reason, turned out to be animals?” Star asks, pointing at East, Orbo, and Ray as the chicken, pig, and turtle that they now are.

“Oh, you’re talking about these three?” Astro asks when he sees Star. “I’m thinking Zodiac and I will take them in as our pets.”

“Yeah, don’t worry about them,” Zodiac replies. “Can’t do anything to us now.” He and Astro laugh.

“Fair enough,” Officer Carpenter responds. “Well, it was great getting to know you all, but we gotta head back to Monian City where we work.”

“May we meet again one day!” Officer Gale responds as he and Carpenter head back in their car.

“Bye, officers!” the Starlights say as the officers drive out of Wattersonville.

Mark, Lily, Dave, Sarah, and Sophie all walk up to the Starlights. “Hello, Starlights!” Mark says.

“Hi, everyone!” Flare replies. “We want to say right now that we can’t possibly thank you all enough for helping escort our kids back to us!”

“It’s been a big pleasure!” Lily replies. “And we’ve gotten to know a lot about them on our journey here too! Isn’t that right, Solar?” she rubs the top of Solar’s head, which makes her laugh.

“And I’m sure that this Mr. Ivo Wright boss of yours has now been given the justice he deserves, right?” Orion asks.

“Oh yeah, absolutely,” Mark replies. “That staff of Nebula’s still had that footage inside that I was able to play and save to my computer, and off to the Mobian City Agency it went, serving Mr. Wright right!”

“Oh come on, that pun was lame even by my cheesy hero standards!” Star replies, making everyone laugh.

“Well, as much as we’d absolutely love to stay here, I’m afraid that it’s time for us to go,” Dave says.

“Aww,” Sarah replies. “We had so muc fun with you guys, though, didn’t we?” Everyone agrees.

Sophie walks up to Solar. “Solar,” she starts. “Before we all ago, I really want you to know that as mich as that fight helped you come out of your shell, you helped me come out of my shell too. I’m taking your courage to heart and showing everyone how much I’m really worth!”

“You’re fully welcome, girlfriend!” Solar replies. They both give a hug-and-kiss combo goodbye. “Do you think… maybe we could get to meet again? Like, in person?”

“I’ll ask my parents for sure if and when we can meet in person on special occasions,” Sophie answers before she and Solar give each other a fist bump. 

“Goodbye, Starlights!” Mark shouts as he, Lily, Dave, Sarah, and Sophie start leaving.

“Goodbye! We’ll all miss you!” the Starlights shout back.

“Now kids, let’s all go inside our newly constructed home!” Flare says.

And I’m gonna miss all of these fine folks too. They went on such a wild ride of an adventure. With an evil Overlord rising back from the dead. A crazy scientist kidnapping Solar for a cruel experiment. Her voice going away. And that whole galaxy-looking battlefield that they all got sent to. Oh, and you can’t forget the chicken, the pig, and the turtle too. Hahaha! It’s a wild and crazy journey that I would’ve loved to be on myself. The wild and crazy journey of… the Starlights!

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