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MajorStarlight's News

Posted by MajorStarlight - May 3rd, 2024

Chapter 13 (December 7, 2018).

Officer Carpenter is driving Solar, alongside Star and Mark like earlier. “Oh man, this is bad! This is really bad!” Star cries, panicking.

“How did those crooks manage to commit such a thing!?” Mark worries.

“Well, however they did it, we gotta get to the Mobian hospital quickly!” Officer Carpenter exclaims. “I’ll see if my wife Nurse Proffitt can do something about this!”

Star then sees Solar quietly crying profusely. “It’s gonna be okay, Solar, it’s gonna be okay,” he says as he rubs her back. “We’ll be able to get your voice back somehow.”

Mark looks back at this and pulls out a blue stress ball from his jacket. “Here,” he says. “I’ve given these to sad young children before, and they’ve always worked out pretty well for them.” Solar takes the stress ball and squeezes it with her right hand. Although she’s still very sad about losing her voice, she does feel at least a little bit relieved.

“Ah, here we are, everyone!” Officer Carpenter says to everyone as he stops at a parking lot in front of the Mobian City Hospital. Officer Gale is parked to his left, and everyone gets out of the cars.

“Is this the hospital right here?” Lily asks Officer Carpenter.

“Yep. It’s where my wife works,” Officer Carpenter replies. Everyone then starts walking towards the hospital. “She’s been working here for about five years, handling many types of ailments, conditions, stuff like that.”

“Has she handled lost voices before?” Nite asks.

“Well, I personally haven’t seen that,” Officer Carpenter replies. “But I’m sure she can look at what’s going on with Solar and do something about it.” Everyone walks into the hospital.

After a while, everyone walks into the gold-furred Nurse Toni Proffitt-Carpenter’s operating room. “Hello, sweetheart,” Officer Carpenter says.

Nurse Proffitt sees Officer Carpenter and says, “Officer Carpenter, what a pleasant surprise!” They both hug and kiss each other. “It’s great to see you at this time of day!”

“Same with you, sweetheart!” Officer Carpenter replies.

“So, what brings you here, may I ask?” Nurse Proffitt asks.

“Well, I came here with a whole group of friends, and also three kids,” Officer Carpenter answers. “And this right here is the one we’re helping.”

“Aw, you’re so cute!” Nurse Proffitt says to Solar. “What’s your name, sweetie?”

“Well, she would like to answer that,” Officer Carpenter says. “But there’s a problem with her.”

“Oh no, what happened?” Nurse Proffitt asks.

“She lost her voice,” Officer Carpenter answers.

Nurse Proffitt gasps. She then says, “Oh, you poor little thing!” She then gives Solar a hug.

“Yeah,” Officer Carpenter says. “She’s also the sister of these two boys right here,” he then says as Star and Nite walk up to Nurse Proffitt.

“Hello, nurse,” Star and Nite say, waving.

“Hey, boys,” Nurse Proffitt replies. “Do any of you know how this happened?”

“We all do,” Lily answers. “That girl wrote in my notebook that a trio of criminals stole her voice.”

“Aw,” Nurse Proffitt replies. “I’ll tell you what, just give me a couple minutes alone with this girl, and I’ll have her done and feel all better.”

“Got it,” Officer Carpenter replies as he and everyone else leaves the room.

“Alright, let’s see here...” Nurse Proffitt says, looking at Solar’s face. She then notices something below the left cheek. “Oh my gosh! There’s a little blue area right here!” This makes Solar start to freak out. “Don’t panic, don’t panic,” Nurse Proffitt says. “I can fix this. I just need to see through it. Here, step behind this x-ray board for me.” Solar then walks behind an x-ray board, where Nurse Proffitt sees a lot of blue liquid inside the cheek. “Hm... alright, step out, and I’m gonna have to do an operation. I suggest you lay down on my operating table.” Solar then walks toward the operating table and lays down on it with visible fear in her eyes. Nurse Proffitt walks up to Solar with tools and says, “Alright, this might hurt, but it’ll be over and done with soon.”

After about ten minutes, Solar and Nurse Proffitt walk out of the operating room. Solar has three little stitches on her left cheek. “Solar!” Star and Nite both say, giving her a hug.

“Well, I got her operation done with,” Nurse Proffitt says.

“Good,” Mark replies. “So is she able to talk again?”

“After a while, she can,” Nurse Proffitt answers. “She had some blue liquid that I recognized seeing before, and all I had to do was cut her cheek up and drain that liquid out. She did also lose some blood, but hey, that happens.”

“Ah, I knew you could do it, honey!” Officer Carpenter says.

“I did too, sweetie!” Nurse Proffitt replies, hugging Officer Carpenter again. “Just give her a few minutes, maybe an hour or so, and she’s all good to go!”

“Thank you so much for helping, this means everything to us!” Mark says.

“I can imagine, sir!” Nurse Proffitt replies. “And you’re very much welcome!”

“Alright, everyone, I think it’s about time we head all the way over to this town that you three kids live at,” Officer Gale says. “Let’s go!” Everyone walks out of the hospital.

“Bye, Nurse Proffitt!” Star and Nite say.

“Bye, everyone!” Nurse Proffitt replies just as everyone leaves.

A while later, everyone comes across Dave, Sarah, and Sophie. “Solar!” all three of them cheer, hugging Solar.

“Where did you guys manage to find her?” Sarah asks.

“Well, we found her captured by a criminal scientist, but when found her, she lost her voice,” Star explains.

“Thankfully, though, Officer Carpenter’s wife at the hospital got her taken care of, and after a while, she’ll be able to talk again!” Nite explains.

“That’s good to hear,” Dave replies. “So, how about we all head on down to this little town that you guys live at?”

“We’re way ahead of you, guys,” Officer Gale replies. “Into the cars we go!” Dave and Sarah go with Officer Gale, Nite and Lily. Sophie goes with Star, Solar, Mark, and Officer Carpenter. Both officers drive off on their journey to Wattersonville.

A while later, Officer Gale comes across a sign that says, ‘Wattersonville, next exit’ on it. “Wattersonville, that’s our town!” Nite says.

“Wattersonville?” Officer Gale replies. “Alright, let’s go then.” He then drives right, which is where the exit goes. He then sees an explosion happen in the town. “Oh no... Oh dear...”

“What was that!?” Nite asks.

“I don’t know, but whatever caused that explosion, it can’t possibly be good,” Lily replies.

“And it looks like it happened in this Wattersonville town you live in,” Dave says.

“Yeah, we definitely need to see what is happening there, and exactly what caused that explosion!” Nite replies.

“Yeah,” Sarah says. “And it’s not going to be pretty.”

Chapter 14 (May 10, 2019).

Wattersonville has turned into a dystopian-looking city with wrecked buildings, a lot of places being on fire, and all of the erinafeli that live here or are visiting running for their lives. When all of the heroes arrive, they all have dread on their faces, especially the Starlights. “Well... we’re here... and to say that a massive number was done here would be an understatement...” Nite says.

“Yeah, you can say that again,” Officer Gale.

In the other car, Solar is crying profusely from seeing all of the destruction in front of all of the heroes. She then closes her eyes and hides her faces in between her knees. Sophie then puts her right hand on Solar’s left shoulder. Solar then looks at Sophie for a short while, and then proceeds to hugs her hard. This gesture makes Sophie a little surprised, but she understands completely at the same time, and she then hugs her much more softly.

Star looks at all of the destruction going on with complete fear, and also a little bit of anger, in his eyes. “Overlord Nebula, you will pay for this!” he says.

“Hey, Star,” Officer Carpenter starts. “Speaking of Overlord Nebula, would these be your adult family members right here, trapped most likely by Nebula?”

Star gasps, and then says, “What!?” Officer Carpenter then parks in front of the Starlights’ house so everyone can get out, with Officer Gale parking behind him so everyone in that car can get out.

The Starlights then run towards their parents and the other family members of theirs, all of whom have fallen asleep and are tied up. They then see their front door open and see Overlord Nebula, laughing maniacally. “Nebula!” Star and Nite shout.

“Ah, it was only a matter of time before you three would come all the way over here!” Overlord Nebula says as East, Orbo, and Ray pop up behind him.

“You’re not getting away with this, Nebula!” Nite shouts.

“That’s right! Bring your hands where we all can see them! While holding nothing!” Officer Carpenter shouts as he, Officer Gale, Mark, and Lily all bring out their guns and point them all to Overlord Nebula.

Under his breath, Nebula replies with, “As you wish, Officer...” As he says that, he secretly presses a button on his staff and drops it on the floor. The button casts a spell that brings the Starlights and everyone around them to a whole other place. They are now on a ground that looks like they’re standing on a massive pile of stars with the sky looking like they’re in space. Everyone except for Nebula is massively surprised by this change.

“Yikes, uh, I never knew that, uh, he was capable of doing that! Did anyone here know that he could do that?” Orbo says to East and Ray.

“So, by now, you’re all wondering how exactly I managed to come back after that war from 40 years ago that your parents told you all about!” Nebula starts with the Starlights. “Well, with that war, your family did in fact kill me at the end and become the winners. But long before I even went in that war, I made sure that I had written down all of my work on an experiment that I did. I made sure that if I died, someone would bring me back to life with my formula, and to test that, I gathered enough energy needed to regenerate body parts with even just one of an erinafelis’s bones.”

“What!? So you were killed, but got brought back to life!?” Nite replies. “And what lunatic found that formula and used it on you!?”

Nebula picks his staff back up to summon a holographic screen. “Well, funny you should ask,” he says just before the screen appears.

All of the heroes (except for Solar, whose voice is still recovering) gasp and shout, “Professor Steve Pager!?”

“Why hello, everyone!” Professor Steve Pager says, speaking through a monitor in his jail cell. “It seems that you all just discovered something very special that I got to do. I mean, sure, Nebula created the resurrection formula, but I at least am the one who conducted it successfully, and of course had some help from Rich and Greg!”

Another holographic screen pops up, and shows someone else familiar saying, “Don’t forget me, Professor Pager!”

“Mr. Ivo Wright!?” Mark, Lily, Star, and Nite shout.

“Oh yeah,” Mr. Wright replies.

“But how could you!?” Mark asks.

“Well, before I was your boss at the Mobian City Agency, I used to work for Professor Pager as well,” Mr. Wright starts. “I joined his laboratory about ten years after Officers Gale and Carpenter left, and when I first saw him panicking about not finding any experiments to his liking, I showed him this little formula I found while the Mobian City Agency was being built, and thought that we could test it out together. I mean, he took the formula for himself and conducted it in his own time, but he did let me give him most of the energy required.”

“Oh, you are so under arrest when we get back!” Officer Gale shouts.

“Oh, we’ll see about that,” Mr. Wright replies as Overlord Nebula casts a spell that pushes everyone but the Starlights into the police cars and locks them inside, with the locks on all of the doors also have an immovable spell cast on them.

NO!” Star and Nite shout.

“Oh yes!” Professor Pager and Mr. Wright both say as they then laugh a little. “Have fun with Nebula for us kids!” they both then say just before Nebula turns the holographic screens off.

“They’re right, we’re gonna have a great time together!” Overlord Nebula replies, laughing maniacally right afterwards.

Chapter 15 (March 27, 2023).

“Argh!!” Star starts, frustrated. “We won’t let you get away with this, Nebula!”

“Ah, we’ll see about that, Starlights!” Overlord Nebula laughs maniacally. “East! Orbo! Ray! Start!”

“You got it, sir!” East, Orbo, and Ray all respond. They then rush towards the Starlights for hand-to-hand combat.

East rushes towards Star with a right-hand punch, which Star blocks with his right leg. The same thing happens with her left hand and his left leg. She does another right-hand punch, only Star now deflects it with his left arm, and vice versa with her left hand and his right arm. Star goes for a left-hand punch to her stomach before kicking her head.

Orbo rushes towards Nite with a belly flop, which Nite dodges. Nite then jumps onto Orbo and lands on his feet on top of his back. Orbo then grabs Nite legs and throws him off, but Nite is agile enough to land on his feet again. Orbo gets up and blocks Nite’s right leg kick. Orbo initially lands a hit on Nite’s face with his left arm, and then Nite lands a hit on Orbo’s face with his left fist.

Ray starts with four kicks to Solar’s torso, but she moves back far enough to dodge them. She goes for a punch to his face and lands a hit. And then he grabs Solar by the throat, making her choke. Nite sees this from the right corner of his right eye. “Solar!” he shouts before he knocks out Orbo with a left kick to his face. He rushes towards Ray and lunges onto his face. “Let go of my sister you creep!” he says as he pulls back on his head. Ray lets go of Solar and then he and Nite fall to the ground, with Nite punching Ray’s face. Ray then grabs onto Nite’s hands and throws him forward.

Solar rubs on her throat from how hard Ray was choking her. She sees Star having a harder time with East as she starts blocking his attacks. After blocking two of his punches, she headbutts him on his face and kicks him back. Solar rushes towards Star to help him. “You doin’… okay, Solar?” he asks with two hard breath exhales. East rushes towards the two of them with a punch, but they luckily dodge this attack right on time.

Orbo gets back up and targets his next attack towards all three of the Starlights, who gang up together against East and Ray. Orbo then goes for a rush attack. The Starlights notice this attack and pull of a combo move. Star jumps behind East, Nite jumps behind Ray, and they both kick them towards Solar, who then jumps up to make East and Ray collide with each other. They pull off this move right when Orbo would’ve hit them, and he hits East and Ray instead, making them pile up into a knocked-out mess.

“Yes!” Star and Nite shout. Star also shouts “In your faces!”, while Nite also says, “That’ll teach ya!”

“Well well well,” Overlord Nebula says. “Quite impressive indeed. All three of you have done quite well against my servants. But now let’s see how you all do against… Overlord Nebula!” He moves his cape apart by moving his arms wide open in preparation for battle.

“Come on, kids! We’re all counting on you!” Flare says lightly.

“Oh, do I hope they come out of this fight alright!” Mark says.

Star stars the fight by lunging at him with four punches, all of which Nebula dodges. Star then goes for a jump kick with his left foot, but Nebula moves to the right. Nite then tries to leg sweep Nebula from behind, but he jumps and lands behind Nite. Nite then turns around for six punches, but Nebula moves back every time. Solar tries to jump onto his head, but he ducks and moves to the left very fast. She then goes for a kick, but he moves back once again, and at a pretty far distance too.

Laughing lighty, Nebula then says, “Just as I predicted. You may have been good enough against my servants, but most certainly not against yours truly.”

“We can’t let you get away with everything you’ve done, Nebula!” Nite shouts.

“Yeah! Restore everything to the way it all was or else!” Star shouts.

Nebula then laughs more and more. “Oh, how foolish and naive you all are to think I would be so scared by your very weak commands!” he responds. “All I’ve ever cared about is causing irreparable havok around everyone around me! That’s what a real villain always does!”

“You killed our grandparents! How can you find any joy in that!?” Star shouts.

Nebula laughs even harder, and much more loudly before explaining his past. “Oh, I’ve tried being nice to people many times before while growing up. At first, I thought it was, indeed, quite joyous. But then one day, when I was around your age, I found my father’s laser gun and thought it was one of those cool little toy guns I saw on TV. But then I brought it to him and pulled the trigger, thinking it was in fact just a toy, and saw him get pulverized. ‘Oh no! I shot my father dead! What have I done!? What will I do!?’ But oh, did I have a very special feeling inside. The special feeling of being unstoppable and able to shoot down anyone I deem to be lesser than me! And so began my wrath of destruction!” He laughs more and more.

“How did you even sleep at night!? How can you even live with yourself!?” Nite shout.

“Joy and kindness can only get you so far before you start feeling like wanting the whole world to destruct, even with how little reasoning you may have for this mindset! Respecting other people and their boundaries? No thank you, ruining their lives is so much more fun!” Nebula laughs.

“We’ll show you destruction!” Star and Nite both shout, rushing towards Nebula.

Nebula grabs his staff and freezes Star and Nite in place. “Hey! That’s not fair!” Star shouts.

“I gave both of you a chance with physical combat, but you couldn’t even land the smallest part of your fur on me!”, Nebula responds. He then casts a spell that pushes them away.

Solar then rushes for Nebula, but he pushes her off to a wall.

“Solar!!!!” Flare, Orion, Mark, Lily, Dave, Sarah, Sophie, Astro, Zodiac, Uvee, and Officers Carpenter and Gale all shout.

East, Orbo, and Ray all get back up and see Star and Nite trying to land hits on Nebula. “You guys thinkin’ what I’m thinkin’?” East asks.

“Way ahead of ya!” Orbo replies before the three of them rish towards Star and Nite.

Solar gets back up and sees her brothers running towards Nebula. She then sees him zapping them, shocking her. She then sees East kick Star’s back and then sees Nite get his arms grabbed by Orbo and Ray, who kick his back as well. She keeps seeing her brothers getting attacked and keeps feeling more and more scared. Until she gets a feeling in her right cheek and her throat. And then she starts to feel more rage from what is happening. Her face gets angrier. And angrier. And angrier. And she starts fuming. And her faces gets more red. And her mouth starts foaming. And her nose exhales air harder.

Overlord Nebula laughs harder at the sights unfolding in front of him with Star and Nite. But then he notices that his staff has been taken from him. “What the-!?” he says. He then sees Solar with the staff.


Everyone looks at Solar as she shouts that. “Solar!?” Star and Nite shout in awe, not expecting this out of her.

She rushes towards Nebula and starts landing hard hits on him with his staff. She starts with hitting the green orb side on his face, and then starts hitting the bottom on the back of his head. She then jumps on his back and lands hard, and then hits the back of his head again.

“Yeah! Way to go Solar!” Sophie says,

“That’s my girl!” Orion says.

“I knew she could do it!” Flare says.

“Wohoo! Yeah!” Everyone else in the car shouts.

“What the!?” Orbo says lightly.

Solar then backs away from Orion after enough hits. Orion then gets up slowly from the hits. “H-how did your voice come back?” he asks. “And how d-did you g… get that… strong?” Solar then moves the orb top of the staff close to the floor. “No! No no no no no! Stop! Whatever you plan on doing, stop right now!”

“You think I’m gonna listen to you after all of that! After everything you’ve done to my family!? My new friends!? My livelihood!? For far too long, I’ve been a punching bag for far too many people! Them saying my autism holds me back from adding up to anything special or deserving of praise! Them saying I can’t love whoever my heart truly desires! Them saying I can only be whatever I was born as and quote-unquote ‘destined’ to be, like the boy I once was! I’ve never been more sick of all of the times I’ve been treated like such a walking talking trash bag! And now… it’s finally time that I return the favor!”

She then moves the orb top of the staff and makes it hit the ground so hard, it breaks. “NO!!!!!!!! MY STAFF!!!!!!!! MY POWER!!!!!!!!” he shouts in horror. The car that everyone who isn’t the Starlight siblings got sent into gets unlocked and they all get out. The world around everyone starts going back to the real world.

East, Orbo, and Ray all start getting weird feelings as it turns out that they were all transformed into who they previously were. East turns back into a chicken, Orbo turns back into a pig, and Ray turns back into a turtle.

“AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! MY SERVANTS!!!!!!!!!!!! NO!!!! TURN BACK!!!!!!” Nebula shouts. He starts screaming more and more, and then he also sees himself disintegrating into ashes. “AAAAAHHHHH!!!!! NO NO NO!!!!!!!! THE LEGACY OF OVERLORD NEBULA CANNOT END LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!” All that’s left of him as he gives his final scream is his head and torso, which is quickly dusting away.


And just like that, Overlord Nebula is gone once more.

Everyone remaining looks all around them and no one can believe their eyes. “My god…” Star says quietly. “We did it… we all did it!” he then shouts innexcitement. He and his siblings cheer themselves on and hug each other. “We destroyed Overlord Nebula!”

Everyone else cheers them on as well. Flare and Orion in particular run towards them. “Star! Nite! Solar!” Flare shouts before she and Orion hug them. “Oh my god, we’re so proud of you three!” Orion says in tears of relief.

“We did it, mommy and daddy! We did it!” Solar says, with her own tears of relief.

Mark and Lily walk up to them. “My oh my, you three did it! Congratulations!” Mark says.

“Yeah,” Lily replies. “Who could ever have thought that it’d be a trio of adolescents like you who would stop the most evil overlord to have ever existed twice?”

Sophie runs up to Solar. “Oh my god, Solar, that was amazing!” she shouts, hugging her tightly.

“Thank you so much!” Solar replies. “That was crazy what I did, but yeah, I ruled!” They both laugh before proceeding to kiss each other.

“Haha! Looks like our little girl now has a true hero in her life!” Dave says, responding to the kiss.

“Yep! And we would never want it any other way!” Sarah replies.

“Well I’ll be darned! I’ve seen many shenanigans in my time, but absolutely nothing like this! This is definitely going in my weird discoveries list!” Uvee says to herself.

Three weeks later, construction by a big lot of workers is finally done to make a new Starligjts household after the damage that had been done to the last one by Overlord Nebula. Everyone that had been there during the battle comes back together in this sight.

“Wow,” Orion says. “I still can’t believe how we’ve managed to take down Overlord Nebula in a second, seemingly more powerful lifeform than how he was before!”

“Right?” Star replies. “We kicked their butts so hard, and even when it got to the toughest, our courage held as strong as ever!”

“Yeah,” Nite replies. “But me, personally, I think that most of the courage credit should go to the one that helped us out at the most surprising turn possible: Solar!”

Solar blushes. “Uh… yeah, hehe,” she laughs, nervously. “I got very much carried away there!” she laughs again.

“Nonsense!” Nite replies. “You’ve turned out to be the reason why everything’s slowly but surely getting back to normal! We would’ve been toast without you! No need to sell yourself so short in any form for any reason!”

“Yeah, you’re right,” Solar replies. “I guess that it may have come from me caring so much about my family, my livelihood, pretty much everything I’ve ever held near and dear, and not wanting to lose it all, wanting to prove that autistic and LGBTQ+ kids like me are a lot more than what a lot of people usually think. And if I can conquer this, I can conquer anything!” she says is a heroic tone like Star would.

“Correct!” Flare replies. “And we’re all so proud of you for coming through!”

“Well done, Starlights!” Officer Carpenter says, him and Officer Gale walking up to them. “I’ve never seen a battle that grand and that much of a relief in all my life!”

“Thank you so much, Officers!” Flare replies. “Especially for finding our daughter, from what our sons have told us!”

“No problem, lady!” Officer Gale says. “If you need anything else, give us a call!”

“Oh, I think we’re in the best possible hands in just our family alone!” Orion laughs, making everyone else laugh.

“Oh, yeah, uh, I forgot something,” Star starts asking.

“Oh yeah?” Orion asks.

“What about the servants that, for some weird reason, turned out to be animals?” Star asks, pointing at East, Orbo, and Ray as the chicken, pig, and turtle that they now are.

“Oh, you’re talking about these three?” Astro asks when he sees Star. “I’m thinking Zodiac and I will take them in as our pets.”

“Yeah, don’t worry about them,” Zodiac replies. “Can’t do anything to us now.” He and Astro laugh.

“Fair enough,” Officer Carpenter responds. “Well, it was great getting to know you all, but we gotta head back to Monian City where we work.”

“May we meet again one day!” Officer Gale responds as he and Carpenter head back in their car.

“Bye, officers!” the Starlights say as the officers drive out of Wattersonville.

Mark, Lily, Dave, Sarah, and Sophie all walk up to the Starlights. “Hello, Starlights!” Mark says.

“Hi, everyone!” Flare replies. “We want to say right now that we can’t possibly thank you all enough for helping escort our kids back to us!”

“It’s been a big pleasure!” Lily replies. “And we’ve gotten to know a lot about them on our journey here too! Isn’t that right, Solar?” she rubs the top of Solar’s head, which makes her laugh.

“And I’m sure that this Mr. Ivo Wright boss of yours has now been given the justice he deserves, right?” Orion asks.

“Oh yeah, absolutely,” Mark replies. “That staff of Nebula’s still had that footage inside that I was able to play and save to my computer, and off to the Mobian City Agency it went, serving Mr. Wright right!”

“Oh come on, that pun was lame even by my cheesy hero standards!” Star replies, making everyone laugh.

“Well, as much as we’d absolutely love to stay here, I’m afraid that it’s time for us to go,” Dave says.

“Aww,” Sarah replies. “We had so muc fun with you guys, though, didn’t we?” Everyone agrees.

Sophie walks up to Solar. “Solar,” she starts. “Before we all ago, I really want you to know that as mich as that fight helped you come out of your shell, you helped me come out of my shell too. I’m taking your courage to heart and showing everyone how much I’m really worth!”

“You’re fully welcome, girlfriend!” Solar replies. They both give a hug-and-kiss combo goodbye. “Do you think… maybe we could get to meet again? Like, in person?”

“I’ll ask my parents for sure if and when we can meet in person on special occasions,” Sophie answers before she and Solar give each other a fist bump. 

“Goodbye, Starlights!” Mark shouts as he, Lily, Dave, Sarah, and Sophie start leaving.

“Goodbye! We’ll all miss you!” the Starlights shout back.

“Now kids, let’s all go inside our newly constructed home!” Flare says.

And I’m gonna miss all of these fine folks too. They went on such a wild ride of an adventure. With an evil Overlord rising back from the dead. A crazy scientist kidnapping Solar for a cruel experiment. Her voice going away. And that whole galaxy-looking battlefield that they all got sent to. Oh, and you can’t forget the chicken, the pig, and the turtle too. Hahaha! It’s a wild and crazy journey that I would’ve loved to be on myself. The wild and crazy journey of… the Starlights!


Posted by MajorStarlight - May 2nd, 2024

Chapter 10 (January 1, 2018).

At Wattersonville, a 47-year-old red-furred woman in a black coat and hat walks into her office. “Well, that was quite the mission I was on. Let’s see what's being shown on WarnCom News,” she says to herself. Just as she was about to turn on her computer, however, she sees Flare and Orion just outside the building from her window. “Oh hey, it’s my brother Orion, and his wife Flare! I wonder what they’re up to!” She walks out to greet Flare and Orion. “Hey, guys!” she shouts.

“Uvee!” Flare and Orion say together, walking up to her and giving her a hug.

“Nice to see you two at this time of day!” Uvee says.

“Yeah, it’s actually been a while since we last saw you, sister!” Orion replies. “Afterwards being a time where we would really have needed to see you again.”

“Yeah, I’ve been meaning to see you two again for some time now!” Uvee says. “So, what made you two decide to come by?”

“Well, the unfortunate thing here is that we’ve been very troubled for the past week”, Flare starts to answer.

“Oh no, what happened?” Uvee asks.

“Well, you know our kids, right? Star, Nite, and Solar?” Flare asks.

“Oh, how could I ever forget those three?" Uvee replies. “I remember looking after them a lot from when they were preschool to when Star was just about to graduate from Primary School! How are they doing right now?”

“Well, that’s what we were just gonna tell you about!” Orion starts.

“Uh-huh,” Uvee replies.

“They’ve been kidnapped,” Orion finishes.

This makes Uvee very worried. “Oh no, that's a dying shame!” she replies. “Do you have any information on who kidnapped them?”

“Yes,” Flare answers. “In fact, we were right there when it happened. We were just enjoying ourselves at our house-”

“Wait, hold on a minute,” Uvee says. I need to grab my pen and notepad for this. A good detective gathers all the evidence he or she needs.” She pulls out a notepad and a pen from her jacket and prepares herself for writing down what Flare says. “Ready!”

“Okay,” Flare says, starting over. “We were just enjoying ourselves at our house, when all of a sudden, a grey erinafelis broke in with his three servants. We tried to outdo him, but he knew that we would try to do that to him the moment we see him. He tied me and Orion together so we can’t escape, and he summoned a portal that he threw our kids into, never to be seen by us again.” Flare starts to tear up as she explains this, and so is Uvee as she is writing notes.

“To even hear about the three kids I’ve known for so long be taken from us like that... is just wrong,” Uvee says. “Do you know his name?”

“His name is actually the craziest part of this situation,” Orion says.

“And that is?” I've asks.

“Overlord Nebula” Orion answers.

This makes Uvee drop her notepad and pen in shock. “Overlord... Nebula!? I... I thought he was killed four decades ago! You two were there, right?” she asks.

“We were there, and we thought we did kill him... nope, just a false alarm,” Orion answers.

“And do you know anything about the device he used to summon that portal? Have you asked people about where your kids could be?”

“Yes, we have,” Flare answers, sobbing. “But none of them said they have seen them!”

Uvee then gets back her notepad and pen from the ground. “No, we will not let Nebula get away with this!” she says. “Do you guys have photos that we can make missing posters with?”

“Actually, yeah, that what we came to you for,” Flare answers.

“And do you know of Nebula’s whereabouts right now?” Uvee asks.

“Unfortunately, he left before we could ever escape, so we don’t really know where he is right now,” Orion answers.

“Damn,” Uvee replies. “Oh well, enough stalling right now, we got business to get to right now! Come on, let’s go!” She, along with Flare and Orion, walks back into her building to get Flare’s Christmas photo made into a missing poster. Just when Uvee opens the door, however, they all see Overlord Nebula standing in front of them, making them all gasp.

“Miss me, anyone?” Overlord Nebula says.

“YOU!” Uvee, Flare, and Orion collectively shout. Then Nebula’s three servants grab hold of them with their electric whips. “Hey, let us go right now!”

Overlord Nebula laughs maniacally. “Not on my watch are any of you getting away with this!" he says.

“How did you hear about what we’re doing, and, for that matter, how did you break into my office!?” Uvee asks. “And where did you throw the Starlights to, you monster!?”

“None of those questions will be any of your concern once I’m through with you,” Nebula says. He grabs his staff and casts a sleeping spell on Uvee, Flare, and Orion.

“Don’t you dare make us feel... Don’t you get a..." Uvee was saying before falling asleep.

“There,” Overlord Nebula says. “I’ve had it with that woman’s annoying voice and way of speaking to me. Anyway, East, Orbo, Ray, take them to the Starlights’ home. Once the Starlights somehow find a way back to this town and find me, I want them to see their parents and aunt suffer, making them suffer more than they already will from me!”

“Yes sir!” East, Orbo, and Ray all say together, taking their victims with them and Overlord Nebula.

Orbo, however, starts feeling sleepy as well, yawning. “Sir, uh, when I, uh, go home, may I, uh, take a nap as well?” he asks.

“Fine, just as long as you put our victims where they belong first,” Overlord Nebula answers.

East starts yawning. “Can I take one too, all this work is making me sleepy,” she says.

“Same here, boss,” Ray says. “How about your pal Ray here?”

“No more asking, you can all rest after we’re done here,” Overlord Nebula answers. “And I thought the aunt was getting on my nerves.”

Chapter 11 (February 17, 2018).

In Mobian City, Officer Carpenter and Officer Gale are driving their police cars. Carpenter is driving with Mark in the passenger’s seat and Star in the seat behind Mark, while Gale is driving with Lily in the passenger’s seat and Nite in the seat behind Lily. Star is wearing a new pair of sunglasses resting on the top of his head during this car trip. “Did we really have to stop by the mall for you to get a new pair of sunglasses while having to save your younger sister, Star?” Mark asks Star.

“Hey, I need to make sure that I look as stylish as I can be for this quest,” Star replies. “All superheroes have to look stylish when they’re saving the innocent and fighting crimes, and my way of looking stylish just so happens to be putting sunglasses over my head!”

“Right,” Mark replies. “Anyway, so, Officer Carpenter, you and Gale have a history with this ‘Professor Steve Pager’ guy you were referring to, huh?”

“Oh yes, we know Professor Pager all too well,” Officer Carpenter answers. “He didn’t seem like he had any bad intentions when we started working for him. I mean, wanting some new test subjects for your experiments isn't a bad idea at all. In fact, it's a rather great idea.”

“Well, what exactly is your entire history with Steve, and when did he start to have bad intentions?” Star asks.

“Well, let’s start with about thirty years ago...” Officer Carpenter starts to answer.

*flashback to thirty years ago...*

Carpenter and Gale are walking into Professor Pager's laboratory, when they see Steve just outside the laboratory. “Carpenter, Gale, it’s great to see you two!” he said.

“Good to see you as well, Professor Pager!” Carpenter and Gale reply.

“So, what kind of business do you do in here? What scientific activity is right up your alley?” Carpenter asks.

“Oh, I just like to do some scientific experiments around here,” Steve answers. “One day, I’ll have a scientific discovery of my own”

“That’s pretty cool,” Gale replies. “So, how long have you been doing this?”

“For about a week,” Steve answers. “I haven't found my own discovery yet, but you know, discoveries take time to happen. Sometimes, you just get lucky when you do, and I’m willing to wait if it means I do get to achieve that dream sometime down the road!”

“That’s nice to hear,” Carpenter replies. “Don't be giving up on your dreams just yet, because they will never actually come true if you do.”

“Uh-huh,” Steve replies. “And you two will also be helping me achieve that dream, right?”

“Of course!” Gale answers. “The more, the merrier. Cooperation has always been key when you can get it, after all.”

“Right!” Steve answers. “I wish you two the best of luck on this quest!”

“And we wish you the best of luck back, Steve!” Carpenter and Gale reply.

*flashfoward to a year later...*

Carpenter and Gale are at a local diner, with Carpenter eating a cheeseburger and Gale eating spaghetti. “Hey, Gale,” Carpenter asks.

“Yeah?” Gale asks.

“Have you seen Professor Pager around lately?” Carpenter asks.

“No, not in at least three months,” Gale replies. “What makes you ask?”

“Well, it’s just that we haven’t seen him in quite a while, and when we did see him last time, he looked a bit... off...” Carpenter answers.

“Hm,” Gale replies. “Off as in...?”

“Off as in looking a bit disheveled,” Carpenter answers. “Like he’s going through a rough time, or something.”

“Well, do you mind if we check on him after we get done eating?” Gale asks.

“Yeah, we probably should,” Carpenter answers as he and Gale continue eating their food.

Later that day, Carpenter and Gale enter Professor Pager’s room in his laboratory, and Steve is currently sitting in front of his computer while covering his face.

“Uh, Professor Pager?” Carpenter asks.

“Are you okay, sir?” Gale asks.

“Do I look okay!?” Professor Pager asks, grabbing Carpenter and Gale by the fronts of their shirts and pulling them closer to him. “Is this the face of someone not going through a crisis!?”

“What the!?” Carpenter and Gale say.

“What the is right! What the hell is taking me so long to find even one scientific discovery of my own!?” Professor Pager asks, his patience growing thinner by the minute. “WHY DOES THIS TAKE SO MUCH TIME!?!?"

“Professor, you talked a year ago about how achieving your dreams takes time-” Carpenter starts before being interrupted.

“Yes, I know what I said a year ago, about how it takes time to achieve your dreams, but how much more time must I take!?” Steve shouts.

“Maybe just-” Gale starts before being interrupted.

“I've been spending an entire doing this, and it is seeming more and more like I’ve wasted it! WASTED IT ALL!!” Professor Pager shouts. “WHY WERE YOU TWO OF NO HELP!?!?”

“It takes time-” Gale starts, before being interrupted once again.

“You know what?” Steve starts. “I need to kidnap children!”

“That’s it, we’re done with you, okay, bye!” Carpenter replies, running away alongside Gale as Steve starts shouting loudly and destroying everything in his lab.

*back to present day...*

“His patience kept growing thinner and thinner,” Officer Carpenter says. “He just couldn’t take anymore of spending his lifetime for what seemed like a dead end, yet he still keeps on trying to achieve that dream. And in a very bad way.”

“And now, with Solar in his possession...” Star replies.

“Well,” Officer Carpenter says. “We better get your sister back quickly, or you’ll never see her again.”

Star gasps in response to what Officer Carpenter just said, as does Mark. “That sick-minded monster!” he said. “I will not stand for that, and neither will you two here in this car, and the others in Officer Gale's car! We've got to hurry, quick!”

Just then, Officer Gale calls Officer Carpenter, who asks Mark, “Can you get that for me, please? I’m driving.”

“Gotcha,” Mark replies, picking up Officer Carpenter's phone. “Hello, Mark here.”

“We’ve just arrived at Professor Pager’s laboratory,” Officer Gale says on the phone.

“Perfect! We’ll be right there!” Mark says before hanging up.

Officer Carpenter then parks next to Officer Gale as everyone exits the cars they were in. “Ah, there it is, just like how Gale and I remember it,” he says.

“Yeah, only with a few modern things done to keep it looking presentable,” Officer Gale replies. “Anyway, this right here is our chance to save Solar! We go into this laboratory, save Solar, fight Professor Pager, and get out of here! And then the Starlight altogether can go back to their home town and save it! If you guys are ready, then let’s go!” Officer Gale then heads into the laboratory along with Officer Carpenter, Mark, Lily, Star, and Nite to all save Solar from the Evil hands of Dr. Greg Hassle, Dr. Rich Jouse, and most importantly, Professor Steve Pager.

Chapter 12 (March 30, 2018).

Inside the laboratory, Steve is standing right in front of Solar in the cage she’s trapped inside of. “Ooh, I cannot wait to do some tests on this child! Are you excited, oh pink-furred one? Because I sure am!” he laughs maniacally. He then hears the doorbell ring. “Hey, uh, Rich, Greg, would either one of you two like to get that for me?” he says to Rich and Greg.

“I’ll get it, boss,” Greg replies. He then walks to the entrance door, and opens it. “Hello, what can I-” he says just before being handcuffed by Officer Carpenter. “What the-!?”

Rich then walks to the entrance, saying, “Hey, what’s up-“ he says before Carpenter quickly moves Greg and handcuffs Rich to him, throwing the both to a wall and on the ground. “Hey!” What’s going on here!?”

Officer Gale then walks up to Rich and Greg, answering Rich’s question with, “We’re reporting you two and your boss for kidnapping a 12-year-old kid that belongs to these two right here.”

“That’s our sister you captured!” Nite says.

“No one kidnaps one of us and gets away with it! At least, unscathed, but that’s beside our point!” Star says.

“Wha... th-there’s more of you!?” Rich replies, surprised.

“Yes there is, sirs!” Mark says.

“W-well... P-Professor Pager has her now, and will claim her as his own before you can do anything!” Greg says.

“No one’s going to claim anything!” Mark says. “You stay here, and-“

“What’s going on here in the-“ Professor Pager says before gasping at the sight of everyone who came by to save Solar. “YOU! YOU two are back!” he says to Officer Carpenter and Officer Gale.

“Yeah, we’re back here,” Officer Gale replies. “Because you took someone from us!”

“Who, that pink girl in that cage over there?” Professor Pager replies. “Oh, she won’t be of any real help to you.”

“Take back what you just said about our sister!” Star shouts, jumping onto Professor Pager’s face and scratching at his face while making cat noises.

“AAAHH!!! Get him off! Get him off!” Professor Pager shouts while all of the other heroes race to Solar.

“Solar, are you okay!?” Mark says to Solar, who expresses cheer at the sight of her friends and brothers helping her, along with the officers.

“Don’t worry, Solar, I’m gonna find a way to get you out!” Nite says. While Star is still fighting Professor Pager, Nite reaches for lock picks he hid in his left pants pocket, grabs one, and shoves it into the lock to hopefully get Solar out of the cage. “Good thing I bought these,” he says to himself.

“Enough!” Professor Pager shouts as he grabs Star and throws him to a wall, albeit Sophie being able to jump at the right time to catch him. Steve now has scratches all over his face from Star’s claws. He then runs to Nite and pulls him away from the cage just before he was able to unlock it.

“No!” Nite shouts. “I was so close!” He then gets thrown as well, hitting Star just as Sophie set him on the ground.

“Star! Nite!” Sophie shouts. “Are you two okay?”

“We’re okay, Sophie, but Solar won’t be if we don’t hurry!” Nite answers Sophie. All three of them rush back into the fight going on to save Solar.

While watching the fight, Solar then sees the lockpick that Nite dropped. She reaches out of the cage to grab it, and then reaches for the lock hoping it would open. The lock then does open, and Solar rushes out of the cage, although without anyone looking, just so she could avoid being hurt. While she’s running, though, Dr. Greg grabs her right leg, and Dr. Rich grabs her left leg, causing her to fall over.

“Gotcha!” Greg says, standing back up alongside Rich.

“Oh no you don’t, little one,” Rich says to Solar, currently trying to escape before Greg and Rich grab her arms, making her face pout in an annoyed way.

Just then, though, Star grabs one of Professor Pager’s books and tries to throw it at Steve, but it instead hits Rich. This frees Solar’s left arm and leg, and she scratches Greg’s left arm, freeing herself entirely. She lands on the floor with her feet and left arm, gets up, and runs out of the laboratory. Outside, she meets Chief Anderson, driving over by the laboratory in his police car. “Hey, you’re that creature that two of my officers are looking for! How ya doin’?” he asks.

Solar, because she can no longer talk, then does charades, pointing him to the laboratory.

“There something inside of there?” Anderson asks, Solar nodding in response. “Oh, well, let’s see what it is.” He walks inside the laboratory, and sees the fight going on inside. “HEY!” he shouts, stopping the fight. He then walks over to Mark, Lily, Dave, Sarah, and Sophie. He asks everyone, “What’s all the fuss going on here?”

“Well, we’ve found the kidnappers right here, sir!” Officer Gale answers, pointing to Professor Pager, Dr. Rich, and Dr. Greg. All three of them try to escape, but then Star and Nite close the front door on them.

“Alright, you three, that’s enough, you’re under arrest, and any move you make against us will give you an even bigger punishment than just being sent to jail!” Chief Anderson says, walking up to the bad guys.

“Can’t be any worse than what I’ve set up,” Professor Pager says to himself quietly.

“What’s that?” Chief Anderson asks Professor Pager with a slightly angrier tone.

“Nothing, nothing,” Professor Pager replies suspiciously as he gets sent to Anderson’s police car alongside Dr. Rich and Dr. Greg.

“Guys, we are so glad you were able to help us find Solar!” Sophie replies.

“You’re greatly welcome,” Officer Carpenter replies.

“Solar, we’re so glad to have you back!” Star and Nite say, hugging Solar, who’s so happy to be free.

Five seconds after they say that, though, Star realizes something. “Hey, uh, if you don’t mind me asking, why are you so quiet right now?” he asks.

This question makes Solar shocked, because she somehow forgot. She tries to do charades to them and their human friends, but they don’t see what she’s trying to say.

“You ate a giant sandwich?” Star asks.

“You threw up in the car you were trapped in?” Mark asks.

“Mark!” Lily replies, disgusted.

“What? Just a question,” Mark replies.

“You had something pressed on your neck?” Nite asks, making Solar nod.

“Oh, I know, those guys had to struggle hard to bring you inside of the lab!” Star says.

Solar facepalms in frustration.

“Well, then even I don’t know,” Nite says.

Solar then grabs Lily’s notebook and pen, making her say, “What the-?” Solar then writes down, “Those guys stole my voice!” She then shows what she wrote to everyone, making them all gasp in horror.


Posted by MajorStarlight - May 1st, 2024

Chapter 7 (June 3, 2017).

Three minutes later, Mark, Lily, and the Starlights all arrive at another building. “Well, here we are,” Mark says.

“Mac? What kind of name is Mac? Is the owner named Mac?” Star says, reading the name of the building above the two front doors that lead to the entrance.

“Star, there’s a period after each letter. It must stand for Mobian Arcade Center,” Nite replies.

“Correct,” Lily replies.

“Oh, sorry, didn’t see that,” Star says.

“There’s no need to be sorry, Star,” Mark says. “All that matters is that this Lily and I have two friends who work here that are a lot more willing to help than Mr. Wright is!”

“Are you sure about that?” Nite asks.

“Of course we are,” Lily answers. “Plus, they have a 17-year-old daughter who loves helping people! She doesn’t let anything get in her way of helping, and tends to believe people when they show such despair in their emotions!”

“Oh hey, that’s just like me!” Star exclaims.

“Exactly, Star!” Lily replies.

“I don't know...” Solar says. “I’m a little nervous about this...”

“Don’t be,” Lily replies. “Just walk inside and we’ll show you.” She, Mark, and the Starlights then walk inside the Mobian Arcade Center. When they all walk to the front desk, they see Dave and Sarah Lavender on their computers. Dave has dark purple fur while Sarah has light purple fur. Mark and Lily greet them by saying, “Hello!”

“Mark, Lily! Fancy seeing you two here!” Sarah says, getting up from her chair to shake Mark and Lily's hands.

“Yeah, it must’ve been... maybe six months since we've seen each other here,” Dave says, doing the same as Sarah. “So, what brings you here on this fine day?”

“Well, we here have three kids here that we’re helping out,” Lily answers.

“Hello,” the Starlights all say, waving their right hands.

“Oh, aren’t you three just the cutest things here we’ve seen!” Sarah says. 

“Heh heh... uh, thank you, miss,” Nite replies, slightly blushing as he rubs the back of his head with his left hand.

"Oh, I’m sure Sophie would love to meet you!” Sarah says.

“Yeah, I’m sure she would be,” Dave says.

“That’s what Mark and Lily said,” Star replies.

“So tell me, how did you three end up here?” Dave asks.

“Well, we actually come from a far away town," Nite answers.

“Oh, I see,” Dave says. “How far away is it?”

“Well, we were all actually thrown out of there by an evil overlord wanting to take that place over,” Star says. “And we’ve been trying to get help on going back there all the way from here.”

“Yeah,” Solar replies, sobbing with tears coming from her eyes. “And if we don’t stop him... everything we have there will be forever lost... including our mom and dad!” She then breaks down crying.

“Oh, that’s not good at all,” Sarah replies.

“No, it isn’t,” Mark says. “Especially for Solar, who has autism, making it harder for her to ever want to accept.”

“And she’s been through many hardships that no 12-year-old like her should go through, including everyone in her school always picking on her out of everyone else,” Lily says.

“I don’t want to lose everything that makes me happy!” Solar says, still crying. “There will nothing left to make me feel better!”

Dave then lowers himself to Solar’s height by putting his left knee on the floor, and then he puts his right hand on Solar’s left shoulder. He then tells her, in a calm voice, “Don’t worry, Solar. Mark, Lily, Sarah, and I will all help you three on your quest. And I’m 100 percent positive Sophie would be too.”

“You think so?” Solar asks timidly.

“I don't just think so, I know so!” Dave answers. He then gives her a hug, and then stands back up.

“So, do you think we can leave them all here for now while we work at our agency?” Lily asks.

“Absolutely,” Sarah answers. “I’m sure they’ll have a great time with Sophie here, especially with all of the arcade games we have.”

“Thank you so much!” Lily says, shaking Sarah’s hand once more.

“No problem!” Sarah says to Lily. “Come on you three!” she says to the Starlights as they walk to the arcade section with her and Dave.

At the arcade section, a 17-year-old purple-furred girl named Sophie Lavender is playing what looks like a Sega Super GT arcade machine. “Yes! I won every track!” she says gleefully. She then sees her parents Dave and Sarah and walks to them. “Hi mom, hi dad!”

“Hello, Sophie!” Dave and Sarah say.

“Well, three kids came by that could like to use our help,” Dave says to Sophie. “Say hi to Sophie, you three!” he then says to the Starlights.

The Starlights move in front of Dave and Sarah, and then say, “Hi.”

“Hello, everyone!” Sophie replies, hugging all three of them.

“Too... tight...” Solar says.

Sophie then lets go and asks the Starlights, “So, where do you three come from?”

“Well, Mark and Lily needed a place for us to be while they work, and we also need you and your parents to help us,” Nite answers.

“Well, I'm always willing to help!” Sophie replies.

“Well, seems like your parents were right about you,” Nite says to Sophie.

“Yep!” Sophie replies. “So, what kind of help do you three need, and where do you come from?” Sophie asks.

“Well, it’s a long story,” Star answers. “Can we tell it somewhere else?”

“Yeah, I don't mind!” Sophie answers as she enters three letters in the game she played to register her high score. “How about at the food area?”

“Sure, that’d be nice,” Star replies.

“The... food area?” Solar says, nervous.

“Yeah, the food area. Are you scared of food areas?" Sophie asks Solar with her eyebrows perked.

“Yeah, we might want to explain that too,” Nite says. “Calm down, Solar, we’ll be right here with you,” he then says to Solar.

“Okay...” Solar replies as she goes with Star, Nite, and Sophie to the food area.

“Have fun, you four!” Dave says. He then walks back to the front desk with Sarah.

At the food area, Sophie and the Starlights sit down at a table Sophie set up with chairs. “So, as you all may know, my name is Sophie,” she introduces herself.

“Yeah, we know,” Star replies.

“So tell me, what are your names, and what are you about?" Sophie asks.

“Well, starting with me, my name is Star Starlight, and my siblings are Nite and Solar!” Star starts. “Collectively, we are called the Starlights!”

“Interesting!” Sophie replies.

“So, about me in particular. I really love superheroes, and I always aspire to be one, fighting crime and saving innocent civilians!” Star explains.

Sophie laughs a little and says, “Well, you sure look like one to me!”

“Why thank you, miss!” Star replies in a cheesy superhero-like tone of voice, making everyone laugh.

“And you, Nite?” Sophie asks Nite.

“Well, I like to get every bit of information I can out of everything I have a particular interest in! I also try to find every possible solution to every problem I face!” Nite answers.

“Oh, so you use knowledge to your advantage? That's cool!” Sophie says.

“Yeah,” Nite replies. “Every little bit of info always helps!”

“And what about you, Solar?” Sophie asks Solar. Solar, however, doesn’t say anything, being scared to. “Solar?” Sophie asks, curious.

“Oh, yeah... Solar doesn't really like talking about herself,” Star says to Sophie.

“How come?” Sophie asks.

“Well, uh... hey do you mind if we go to that back door over there?” Star asks.

“Yeah, I don’t see why not,” Sophie answers. She walks towards the back door with a green exit sign over it alongside Star and Nite, leaving Solar alone. “Alright, so, why is Solar quiet? And also scared?”

“Well, you see, Solar is... scared of meeting new people,” Star starts to explain. “She’s always been harassed by her peers at school for never being able to ‘fit in’ with any of them. Autism’s always made her the easiest target there, and she’s never been able to stand up for herself; we have to help her.”

“Aww, poor Solar,” Sophie replies.

“Yeah, and then there's the fact that we’ve been taken away from our home and parents,” Nite starts, making Sophie gasp. “This evil overlord named Nebula threw us out, and now we’re trying to find our way back home and help our parents.”

“That's horrible,” Sophie replies.

“Yeah, for us and especially Solar,” Nite says.

“Hearing about this breaks my heart because, well, I myself have autism too, and I’ve gone through bad times in school as well,” Sophie starts.

“Really?” Star and Nite both ask.

“Yeah. Much of my childhood was rough and I rarely ever got to do stuff normal girls do in school,” Sophie explains, starting to tear up alongside Star and Nite. “But then, when I was eight, my parents knew about my situation in school, and so they decided on home-schooling for me. And then they also founded this place so I can have fun as well. And after all of the bullying I went through in school, hearing this story about Solar feels like fire to my heart.”

“It breaks my heart too,” Star replies, starting to cry. “I don’t want to lose everything I have!”

“Well, the only thing worse than losing everything we have is not fighting for it!” Nite says, catching Star and Sophie’s attention. “No matter how big the scale of our problem is, that doesn’t mean we can’t at least fight back! I mean, why do you think Mark and Lily asked Dave and Sarah for help in the first place? To see if they, and you Sophie, can help us!”

“Yeah, you're right,” Star replies. “I’m gonna show that Overlord Nebula who’s the real boss!”

“Yeah! Let’s go tell Solar that I’m here to help, and that she has nothing to fear!” Sophie says.

“Yeah!” Star, Nite, and Sophie all cheer together.

At the food area, Solar is sitting at the same table everyone was at earlier. She then sees Mark and Lily standing by the exit. She got up and headed for the exit, when all of a sudden, she got captured. She then screams “What’s happening!? WHAT'S HAPPENING!?”

Star, Nite, and Sophie walk out, and then see Solar captured in a cage. “Solar!” they all shouted. Turns out, Mark and Lily were actually disguises by two other people who run off with Solar in the cage.

“STAR! NITE! SAVE ME!!” Solar shouts, crying.

“This is bad!" This is really bad Sophie exclaims. “We need to let my parents, as well as Mark and Lily, know about this, and save her! Fast!” Sophie, Star, and Nite head straight for Dave and Sarah. “Mom! Dad!”

“What is it, Sophie?” Sarah asked.

“Solar's been taken away!” Sophie explains.

“Dave, get Mark and Lily on the phone now!” Sarah told Dave.

“Right on it!” Dave replies. He contacted Mark on the phone. “Hello, Mark? Yeah, it’s Dave, we have a big emergency right now! Solar’s been taken away! She's not here anymore! Meet you at the Mobian City Agency!? Okay! I’ll see you there!” He then ends the conversation.

Chapter 8 (September 23, 2017).

“Hey! Let me go!” Solar shouted at the two people who kidnapped her as they’re currently driving. “Let me go right now!” She, however, doesn’t realize the drivers can barely even hear a noise in the back of the truck, with only a window to see through between the back and the driver and passenger area.

The kidnappers then take off their wigs and masks. “Well, looks like we got it all taken care of,” said a light brown-furred Dr. Greg Hassle, who was disguised as Mark.

“That may be so, but why did I have to be the lady as part of this?” asked a white-furred Dr. Rich Jouse, who was disguised as Lily.

“Oh shut up, that’s not even slightly important,” replies Greg. “As long as it works, right? Now go call Professor Steve Pager about this.”

“Alright,” Rich said. He enters Steve’s number on the phone. “Hello. Yeah, we got your new subject. Uh-huh. Alright, we’ll be there as soon as possible. Okay, see you then. Bye.” He then hangs up. “Well, he sure seems quite happy about this!”

“Well, why wouldn’t he be? We’ve found a new test subject for him to use!” Greg says. “And we’re the ones who helped him out! Just think, Rich, you and I will be one step closer to a promotion by Professor Steve Pager in his laboratory!” He and Rich both start to laugh menacingly, which Solar can hear slightly. This makes her scared, and she then curls up, hoping for her brothers to save her.

Meanwhile, in Wattersonville, Flare and Orion drive over to another house. They exit the car, and then they walk up to the house and knock on the door. The door is then opened by Flare’s brother, Astro Neptune. “Hello, Flare and Orion!” Astro says.

“Hey, Astro!” Flare and Orion reply, giving Astro a hug.

“Nice to see you two once again!” Astro says.

“I know, it’s been almost a decade since we’ve last seen each other!” Flare replies. She and Orion then walk into the house, where they also see Astro’s husband, Zodiac Venus-Neptune.

“Oh hey! It’s my siblings in law!” Zodiac says, standing up from the couch.

“Hi, Zodiac!” Flare and Orion reply, giving him a hug as well.

“Yeah, have a seat right there,” Zodiac says, as Flare and Orion both sat on separate recliners. “So, what brings you two here? How are things going right now?”

“Well, our lives were going pretty well, especially with our kids,” Flare answers.

“That’s good,” Zodiac says. “It’s great to get along with your children.”

“Yeah,” Orion replies. “Until yesterday, that is.”

“Oh, what happened?” Zodiac asks, worried.

“Well, our children were just taken away from us,” Orion answer.

“WHAT!?” Zodiac and Astro both exclaim.

"Yeah,” Flare says. “Our kids were all taken by someone we thought was killed 40 years ago.”

“And who would this someone be, if you don’t mind me asking?” Astro asks.

“Overlord Nebula,” Flare answered. This terrifies both Astro and Zodiac.

“NEBULA!?” they both shout.

“Yes, that Nebula,” Orion says.

“Oh no... those rumors were true after all... this is preposterous!” Astro exclaims, worrying.

“Do you know where he took the kids!?” Zodiac asks Flare and Orion.

“Well, he had a portal with him that sent the kids out of this world,” Orion answers. "Unfortunately, we don't know where he sent them...”

“But even if we don’t know where they are, we need your help doing at least something to find them, like maybe some missing posters of them,” Flare explains.

“Well, it’s better than nothing, I suppose,” Zodiac replies. “Do you have recent pictures of them?”

“Of course,” Flare answers, pulling out her phone to load up a picture of the Starlights together. “Here’s them with their own new handheld gaming consoles from Christmas.” The picture is the Starlights all playing what look like Nintendo Switch consoles with neon colored Joy Cons.

Astro looks closely at this picture. “I thought you had three sons,” he says.

Flare realizes she never told Astro about Solar. “Let’s just say things have changed since you two last saw them,” she replies. “Anyway, we need this all over the town, so that other people can help!”

“Right!” Astro and Zodiac both reply.

“And I know someone who will definitely help us over at the police station!” Orion says.

“Yeah?” Flare replies.

“My sister Uvee!” Orion answers.

“Perfect! We’ll show her this picture, and then tell her to get missing posters out there! Now let’s go!” Flare commands. She and the others all head out of the house and to the police station to get posters made.

Meanwhile, at Mobian City, Dr. Greg and Dr. Rich exit the truck and take Solar out of it, while she’s still locked in her cage. “What's going on!? Where are you taking me!?” she asks.

“Rich, hand me the silencing needle,” Greg says to Rich. Rich hands him the silencing needle.

“Needles!? I hate needles!” Solar exclaims in a very timid tone of voice. Greg then injects the needle under Solar’s left cheek, and her voice starts to completely fade away.

“There. That should do it,” Greg says to himself as Solar starts to panic even more, albeit completely silent. Greg and Rich then head to the dark brown-furred Professor Steve Pager’s laboratory.

“Hey, Professor,” Greg and Steve say.

“Why hello, my lovely assistants,” Professor Pager replies. “Ooh, what’s that!?” he then asks, seeing Solar.

“This is your new test subject,” Rich answers. “We found her at an arcade nearby.”

“Interesting,” Steve replies. “So, what kid is this?”

“Well, I overheard a conversation at the arcade, and they said her name is Solar,” Rich answers.

“Hmm,” Steve says, intrigued. He then takes a close look at Solar, which startles her a lot. He then injects another needle, this time, taking a small sample of blood from her right arm. Solar feels pain from this. Steve then puts the sample onto small square film, and then puts another small square film onto it. He puts it into a scanner to analyze Solar. “Let's see...” he says. The scanner gets done scanning. “We've done it! This child is ours now!” He starts to get very excited along with Greg and Rich.

“Now that’s what I call a success right there!” Rich exclaims.

“And you couldn’t have done it without us!” Greg exclaims.

“I know! This girl is ours to keep forever!” Steve shouted, laughing maniacally alongside Greg and Rich. This makes Solar cry even more, hoping Star and Nite find her soon.

Chapter 9 (October 27, 2017).

Mark, Lily, and the others head to the Mobian City Agency. There, they head inside Mr. Wright's office. “Mr. Wright!” Mark and Lily shout.

“What is it you want now?” Mr. Wright asks.

“Our sister is gone, sir! You’ve got to help us!” Star and Nite answer.

“Oh, a missing sister, huh?” Mr. Wright replies.

“Yes, and we need your help right now!” Mark says.

“Oh, do you?” Mr. Wright says. “I thought you and Lily were my top-tier agents that can solve crimes on your own!”

“Yes, but we do need all the help we can get, Mr. Wright!” Lily says.

“Well, I’m not the one here who goes out solving crimes, am I?” Mr. Wright asks.

“But Mr. Wright, this is serious business!” Mark says.

“Yes, I know it’s serious business, but I got other work to tend to here,” Mr. Wright says.

“Please, isn’t there anything you can do to help!?” Star and Nite shout. “This is our sister!”

“Well...” Mr. Wright starts. “I can make you some missing posters.”

“Well, it's something, at least,” Nite starts. “We’ll take what we can,” he then says, handing Mr. Wright a photo of Solar that he can scan.

Later that day, Star, Nite, and the others are now putting up missing posters across town. The sign says, “Have You Seen Her?”, with a picture of Solar on it. Nite sighs and says, “I really hope we can find her soon.”

“Yeah,” Star replies. “I already miss her.”

“Well, considering how many posters we’ve put up so far, I'm sure someone here has seen her...” Sophie says. She sees a random townsperson and says to her, “Hey, excuse me, miss.”

“Yes?” the townsperson replies.

“Do you happen to know where a pink erinafelis could be? She’s about as tall as these two right here, and has a purple flower on her head, and a light blue tank top with blue pants, and black shoes? Have you seen her?” Sophie says.

The townsperson, however, has her eyebrows perked, saying to Sophie, “Uh, no, I haven't...”

“Oh, alright then... well, thanks anyway, and let us know if you do see her,” Sophie says.

“Okay then...” the townsperson replies, walking away.

“Sorry guys, I guess we’ll just have to keep putting up these pictures,” Sophie says to Star and Nite.

“Right...” Star and Nite reply. Sophie then walks to another area to put up her next sign.

Star sighs. “Why should we put up these signs without anyone to help us find her?” he asks.

“Don't ask that, Star,” Nite replies. “We will find Solar somehow, even if it’s the last thing we do!”

“But no one is willing to help us!” Star argues with Nite.

Across from Star and Nite is a dark green-furred guy in a police outfit taking a lunch break. He sees the two brothers arguing to each other and decides to walk over there. “Hey hey hey, what is all the ruckus around here?” he asks.

“Well, we’re having a little bit of trouble trying to find our sister, Solar,” Star answers.

“Oh, I see,” the guy says. “Is that why you have all these missing signs all around? And these pictures are all of your sister?”

“Yeah,” Nite says. “Last time we saw her, she was kidnapped by two people at the Mobian Arcade Center.”

“Oh, that doesn’t sound right at all,” the guy replies.

“No, it doesn't,” Nite says. “So, do you think you can help us?”

“Well, I do work at the local police station, and I can send two particular cops to help you two find her,” the guy answers.

“You can!?” Star and Nite gleefully say.

“Why yes I can,” the guy replies.

“Ah, I see you two have met Chief Tom P. Anderson!” Lily says, walking towards Star and Nite alongside Mark.

“Mark! Lily!” the guy, named Chief Anderson, says, happy to see Mark and Lily.

“You actually know Mark and Lily?” Star asks Chief Anderson.

“Why yes I do, little one,” Chief Anderson answers. “These two used to work for me before moving to the Mobian City Agency.”

“Yeah, and we have friends that work for Chief Anderson right now!” Mark explains.

“Nice!” Star and Nite reply. “Do you think they can help us?”

“Of course we can, guys” Chief Anderson answers. “Heck, I’ll even take you all to my department!”

“We can do that, but first, I got to let other friends of mine know,” Mark says. He walks up to Dave, Sarah, and Sophie, and tells them, “Hey, you three. Can you put these signs up while I and the rest visit Chief Anderson’s department?”

“Of course,” Sarah answers.

“Thanks!” Mark replies, handing her the rest of the missing signs. He walks back to Chief Anderson and says, “Okay, now we can go.”

Later that day, Star, Nite, and the others stop on by at the police department that Chief Anderson works at. “So, Star and Nite, this is my department,” he says.

“Looks a little bit like the Mobian City Agency,” Star says.

“Kind of,” Lily replies.

“So, do you know where these two officers that can help could be?” Nite asks Chief Anderson.

“Why yes, in fact, they’re to our right in this room!” Chief Anderson answers. They all walk into the room that two police officers are currently at.

“Hello, Chief Anderson!” one of the cops says.

“Hello, Officer Bob Carpenter and Officer John Gale!” Chief Anderson says.

Officer Carpenter, the blue-furred cop who said hello, asks, “Well, where did you find these two kids right here?”

“Well, I found them alongside these two people visiting us with them,” Chief Anderson answers as Mark and Lily walk in.

“Mark! Lily!" an orange-furred Officer Gale says as he and Officer Carpenter walk over to Mark and Lily to shake hands with them.

“Gale! Carpenter!" Mark says.

“So great to see you two again!” Officer Gale says.

“So great to see you two!” Lily replies.

“Anyway, Chief Anderson said that you two came in here with these two creatures,” Officer Gale starts. “So, is there any reason you two stopped on by with them?”

“Well, let's just say that there is a third one of them, and we can't find her,” Mark answers.

“Oh, so you’re missing a third one and you came by to see if we can help?” Officer Carpenter asks.

“Yes! That’s exactly why we're here!” Mark answers.

“We contacted our boss, Mr. Wright, but he would only give us missing papers,” Lily says.

“Trust me, these guys need all the help they can get!” Chief Anderson says to the two officers.

“Well, no need to worry any further, because Gale and I are very willing to help all of you!” Officer Carpenter says.

“Yeah,” Officer Gale replies. “We don't let missing kids just slide! So, what do you say, guys?”

“Of course!” Mark and Lily answer.

“Yay!” Star and Nite shout.

"Alright! Now, do any of you have a clue here this third kid could be?” Officer Carpenter asks.

“She’s our sister,” Nite says.

“Right,” Officer Carpenter replies.

“Well, the last time we saw her, she was just taken away from the Mobian Arcade Center," Star answers.

Officer Carpenter gets a quick realization. “Head to our cars, now!”

“Huh?” Star, Nite, Mark, and Lily all reply.

“I may actually know who that could be!” Officer Carpenter says with a bit of dread in his voice.

“You do!?” Star, Nite, Mark, and Lily all ask.

“Yes, and I know that someone too... someone who is very keen on finding things to claim as his own... including kids!” Officer Carpenter says.

“WHAT!?” Star, Nite, Mark, and Lily all shout.


Posted by MajorStarlight - April 30th, 2024

Chapter 4 (April 29, 2016).

In a dark, grim forest, the portal the Starlights were thrown into opens up and throws them out. They all fall onto the ground and get hurt by it. “Ouch,” Star says.

“So much for a smooth landing,” Nite says. He and the others look around and see the forest they’re in. “Whoa, where are we now?”

“Well, I know that we’re in a forest,” Star answers.

“What, you think I don’t know that?” Nite replies.

“Hey, I’m just saying where we are, that’s all,” Star replies.

“Well, we all have eyes, we can see for ourselves. Right Solar? Solar?” Nite sees Solar in tears and curled up. “Solar, are you okay?”

“Do I look okay?” Solar silently asks. “I don’t like being outside in the dark; it’s too scary out here! This is a very common type of place for horrible creatures to lurk in for their prey.” Then, in a higher pitched voice and with more tears forming, she shouts, “And all three of us are the prey!”

“Oh, poor Solar,” Nite says as he kneels down to comfort Solar. “Look, we’ll find a way out of this forest, don't you worry.”

“Are you sure?” Solar asks.

“Of course, Solar,” Star replies. “I mean, yes, this place is very dark, but I’m sure we can still find a way to safety! I mean, we’re the Starlights! We always work things out together!”

“Actually, you’re right!” Solar replies, more enthusiastic. “Together, we will find our way to safety, and we’ll also find a way back home!”

“Yeah!” Star and Nite reply.

Suddenly, all three of them hear leaves break. This causes Solar to jump and shout, “What was that!?”

Star and Nite both lose the feeing of courage, with Star saying, “Aw,” and Nite saying, “So much for making Solar happy again.”

As the sound of breaking leaves gets closer, Solar gets more scared, and she even sees a light near them. “Oh no, they’re out for us!”

“Look, Solar, we can-” Star gets interrupted.

“And they’re getting closer!” Solar shouts.

“Solar, calm-“ Nite got interrupted.

“That’s it! I can’t take it anymore!” Solar shouts. She jumps right out of a bush she was hiding in, sees a brown-furred erinafeis holding a flashlight, and roundhouse kicks him in the face. He falls onto the ground as Solar continuously punches him. “I’ll show you for trying to kill us!” she shouts.

“Solar, calm down right now!” Nite shouts.

“No! Not until I’m done with this monster!” Solar shouts as she continues to punch.

“Solar, stop right now and look at what you’re doing!” Star shouts.

Solar then stops and sees an innocent male erinafelis being beaten up by her. In a very timid voice, she cries, “Oh, uh, I'm so sorry, sir!”

Then a white-furred female erinafelis comes by and says, “Oh no!” She runs towards the man and says, “Mark, are you okay!?”

“Ugh, I’m fine, yes,” Mark says as the woman, named Lily, picks him up.

As Lily helps Mark back up, Solar hugs them both and exclaims, “I’m so sorry, miss, I thought he was a monster. Please forgive me, I didn't know.”

“It’s alright, dear, you were likely in that bush and you didn’t see him,” Lily says.

“Yeah… As long as I’m still alive and not too injured, I'll be perfectly fine,” Mark responds as he stands on his own two feet.

Then Star and Nite show up with their hands behind their backs, laughing a little out of embarrassment. “Oh, are these you’re friends right here?” Lily asks Solar.

“No, they’re not just my friends, they’re my older brothers!” Solar answers. “I’m Solar, and this is Star and Nite! We are called the Starlights!”

“Aw, that’s cute,” Lily says. She then introduces herself by saying, “Anyway, I’m Lily Wilson.”

“And I’m her husband, Mark Wilson,” Mark introduces himself.

“Hi, Mark and Lily,” the Starlights introduce themselves.

“So, now that we all know each other’s names, we do you three come from?” Mark asks.

“Well, it’s a long story,” Nite answers. “Say, do you have a house we can stay in to tell you more about ourselves so we don’t have to stay out here in this dark, creepy forest?”

“Why yes, we do,” Mark answers. “We live in a house only 20 miles away from here.”

“That’s good,” Star says.

“Alright then, let’s go,” Lily says as she and the others have a walk together towards her car. They enter and Lily drives away from the forest.

As Lily is driving to her and Mark’s house, she starts saying to the Starlights, “So, uh, about how you three got here.”

“Ah, yes,” Nite starts to explain. “We live with our parents in a small town by the name of Wattersonville. We were all just fine living together in our house, but then this evil guy named Overlord Nebula showed up and sent us all the way over here.”

“Yeah, and this isn’t even the first time he’s attempted to attack us,” Star says.

“Really? This isn’t the first time? Well, tell us more about this Overlord Nebula guy,” Lily replies.

“You see, our parents were our age, 40 years ago. They worked in a military army with our grandparents because they wanted to be fighters, although, they were assigned to help them with supplies,” Star explains. “But then, out of nowhere, Overlord Nebula showed up and killed our grandparents. And now, our parents have a horrific amount of stress over this event to this very day.”

“Yeah. If I saw one of my family members die in a war, I would never be able to leave that out of my head,” Mark replies. He then turns to his left and sees Solar sitting in the middle backseat crying. “I guess you really miss your home, don't you?”

“Yeah, she does,” Nite says. “And when she misses something close to her, she really misses it.”

“Yeah,” Star replies. “I mean, we all miss our home already, but she misses it the most. She’s always felt like home was the only place of comfort for her, having always been picked on at school. Really doesn’t help that she has autism.”

“Oh, poor Solar,” Lily says.

“Please find a way back to my home,” Solar cries.

“It’s okay, Solar, we’ll find a way back to your home,” Lily says. “Won’t we, Mark?”

“Absolutely,” Mark answers.

“Ah, see, here’s our house,” Lily says as she drives closer to her and Mark’s house. After she parks and everyone gets out of the car, she and Mark both give Solar a warm hug to comfort her.

“Thank you,” Solar says. “I don’t want to let Nebula destroy the very place I love staying in.”

“It’ll all be okay, Solar,” Mark says. “How about we relax and watch cartoons together.”

“Okay,” Solar says as she and the others walk into the house.

Chapter 5 (September 23, 2016).

Back in the Starlights’ home, Flare and Orion wake up from being unconscious. “Oh man… what happened to us…?” Flare very slowly asks.

“Well, my guess is that we were knocked out by Overlord Nebula as soon as he threw our kids out of this house,” Orion says in a low tone of voice from just getting up.

Flare’s eyes widen as she shouts, “What!? You mean Nebula threw out our kids, knocked us unconscious, and just left us here on the ground!? That no-good heartless son of-!”

“I know, I know, it’s terrible, it’s absolutely terrible,” Orion interrupts so that Flare doesn’t go on a huge rant. “But we can’t just stay here and let him win like this.”

“Yes, I get it, Orion. But where he did he take our kids?” Flare cries, depressed.

“Well,” Orion starts to say. “Wherever he took them, we will find them one day.”

“Yeah, and we’ll do everything to protect them and show Overlord Nebula to never mess with us!” Flare shouts with tears in her eyes.

“We will, Flare, we will,” Orion says to cheer Flare up. “And I’m also sure they'll find us.”

“You really think so?” Flare asks.

“Yeah. I mean, those three are brave enough to not let anything get in their way," Orion starts explaining. “Like when Star learned about his own reading difficulties and started doing something about it...”

*flashback to four years ago*

Star and Flare are sitting on a bench outside a nurse’s office. The door opens, and a red-pink erinafelis in a nurse’s outfit says, “Star Starlight?”

“That’s us, ma’am!” Flare replies as she and Star walk into the office.

“Sit over here,” the nurse says as Star and Flare sit on black chairs right in front of the desk. The nurse sits behind the desk and asks, “So tell me, what exactly is the problem here?”

“Well, I keep failing my accelerated reading tests,” Star answers. “Every time I do one, I keep getting very low scores on them. And I keep only doing one every semester because of how much of a slow reader I am. I’ve always made sure to read very closely to the books I read, and memorize it all, but it keeps leading to failure, and I have to do extra credit work to pass every time.”

“Hmm...” the nurse starts pondering. “With the slow reading and how hard reading in general is for you, it seems like you may have dyslexia.”

“Dyslexia?” Star asks.

“It’s having trouble reading, dear,” the nurse explains. Star then looks down with a sad look on his face.

“Aw, don’t feel too bad, Star,” Flare starts, putting her left hand on his right shoulder. “Being dyslexic doesn’t mean you have low intelligence. You just happen to have a harder time reading written words despite normal intelligence. I’ll tell you what, how about I work with you every time you have to read for an accelerated reading assignment?”

Star then looks back at mom with a smile on his face. “Aw, thanks mom!” He then hugs Flare, who hugs Star back.

*flashforward to present day*

Flare laughs out of fondness. “Ah, I remember that! I remember how much better I made him feel!”

“Yep,” Orion replies. “And as it turns out, he’s doing better than ever thanks to you.” He and Flare both laugh. “I also remember how Nite dealt with his big issue...”

*flashback to six years ago*

Nite is in his room doing an experiment. “Hm... I wonder if I can create infinity with this tiny little laser beam,” he asks himself. He puts two small mirrors in front of each other and grabs a very small laser shooter. He tries to aim at an angle where the beam would reflect onto the other mirror, but he angles it wrong, and the beams touches his left eye. “OW!” he screams, dropping the beam shooter and covering his left eye with his left hand.

“What happened!?” Orion asks, running towards Nite. “Nite, are you okay!?”

“No!” Nite answers painfully, revealing his left sclera being slightly more red from the accident. “I can barely even see from this eye anymore, it’s so blurry now!”

Orion rushes for band-aids to use. He grabs a square one and covers Nite’s eye with it. “Any better?”

Nite starts sobbing. “Yeah, kinda,” he answers.

“Was this another one of your crazy science experiments?” Orion asks.

“Y-yeah...” Nite answers.

“Yeah, I suggest that you call me or mom next time you plan on doing these things, got that?” Orion asks.

“Yes sir, I understand,” Nite answers. “Is my eye gonna recover in any way?”

Orion looks at the size of the laser shooter Nite was using. “Hm...” he starts. “I think you’ll come out okay. Just give it some time, and you’ll be good. At least you weren’t using a bigger one, or there’d be no way you’d recover.”

“Right, dad,” Nite replies. They both give each other hugs.

*flashforward to present day*

“Yeah, I’m really glad that was a small laser that got his eye and not a big one,” Flare says.

“Yeah,” Nite replies. “Thankfully, it only led to him needing a band-aid and, later on, getting a pair of glasses. And then there’s Solar, who once came to me a year ago and talked about her true feelings that she kept to herself for a while.”

“Yeah? And what did she talk to you about?” Flare replies.

“Well, it was the week after our kids got out of school for Summer break that year,” Orion starts to explain.

*flashback to a year ago*

Flare and Orion are watching WarnCom News at 6 together. Suddenly, Solar walks slowly towards them. “Oh hey, Solar,” Flare says. “How are you doing?”

“Well, I have something to share with dad,” Solar answers.

“With me? Um, okay,” Orion replies.

“Well, what about me?” Flare asks.

“Well, I’ve already told you, mom. Now’s the time I tell dad in private,” Solar answers.

“Oh, okay then,” Flare replies, remembering what Solar is talking about. “Well, if you don’t mind, Orion, I’m gonna go pick up Star and Nite from their Labyrinth Creatures campaign.”

“Sure thing,” Orion replies as Flare heads out of the house. “So, what was it you wanted to tell me, Solar?”

“Well, it’s something I’ve wanted to share, but was really scared to,” Solar started.

“Okay,” Orion replies.

“And when I talked to my brothers about this, they said I shouldn’t try to hide myself because of it, and encouraged me to be open and honest about it.” Solar starts to explain timidly.

“Alright, so what is it?” Orion asks.

Solar starts to slowly breathe in, and then breathes out to tell Orion what she wanted to tell him. “I am bisexual.”

“Oh, you are?” Orion asks, a little bit surprised.

“Y-yeah,” Solar replies. She then starts to get scared and cries, in a very timid tone of voice, “Please don't hurt me!”

“Relax, Solar,” Orion says, wanting to calm her down. “I would never even think of hurting you. You’re my daughter.”

“R-really?” Solar asks.

“Yeah. In fact, I myself am bi, but I never let anyone try to tell me otherwise,” Orion replies. “It really doesn’t matter what gender you have feelings for and nor should it. It doesn’t change your personality, interests, or anything. You just happen to have the capacity to be in love with boys and girls around your age. Don’t let anyone discourage you from being you, because it’s only your life to deal with, not theirs!”

“Thanks, dad!” Solar cries happily, hugging Orion.

“No problem, Solar,” Orion replies, hugging Solar back. “You’ll always be my daughter no matter what.”

*flashforward to present day*

“Oh yeah, I remember what you said that conversation of yours was about. Yeah, that must’ve been very sweet to see Solar being shown how loving you are to not just her, but also this entire family!” Flare says happily in a very soft voice, hugging Orion.

“Exactly. I'm also glad those kids know how to handle things pretty well,” Orion replies. “We just have to make sure that we make an effort to find them and get revenge on Nebula! And that, honey, is exactly what we’re gonna do! So what are we waiting for? Let's get to it!”

“Right!” Flare says, encouraged. She and Orion head outside to find Star, Nite, and Solar.

Behind their house, Overlord Nebula says, “Oh, you'll find your kids... after I’m done with you...”

“So, what do we do now, boss?” East asks.

“East, Orbo, Ray... I want all three of you to set up a trap for Flare and Orion!”

“Wha-what kind of tr-trap, sir?” Orbo asks.

“Well, I was thinking about, uh, ropes for their feet, or bear traps, or-” Ray was saying.

“Shut it, you!” Overlord Nebula says, grabbing Ray by the neck.

“I’m sorry,” Ray replies, suffocating. “I’m just trying to help!”

Overlord Nebula lets go of Ray by dropping him on the floor. “We follow my way of capturing those two. One hundred percent guaranteed to stop them!” he says. “Now, let’s go!” He and his trio head off to set up a trap to stop both Flare and Orion from saving their kids.

Chapter 6 (February 14, 2017).

Meanwhile, at Lily’s house, the Starlights, along with Mark and Lily, are currently sleeping, with the Starlights being in the living room and both Mark and Lily in their own rooms.

Solar is dreaming of a past event when she, at seven years old, was at a playground in school. All of the other kids were at the playground, swinging on the swings and going down the slides and whatnot, while Solar was at the grassland picking flowers. She then put all of the picked flowers together to create a little halo to put on her head. “Wow! I can't wait to show mom this when I get home!” She gets up and proceeds to walk towards the playground. Suddenly, she gets pushed forwards onto the ground, the halo falling off of her head and onto the grass, and then it gets picked up, which makes Solar look up and see a light green female erinafelis and a brown male one.

“Aw, what a lovely set of flowers,” the light green female one says, holding it. “Too bad nothing lasts forever!” She then throws it down onto the floor and steps on it, rubbing her left foot on it.

This, of course, makes Solar gasp in fear and start to tear up. “My... my flowers...” she starts to say. “You... you destroyed them...”

The light green erinafelis pulls Solar’s face up to her face by pulling on her shirt. “Yeah, that’s right! I destroyed you’re ‘pwecious wittle fwowers’ right in front of your face, to show how helpless you truly are, especially whenever your brothers aren’t here right now!” She then pushes Solar towards the grass.

“Wh-what are you even saying right now!?” Solar says, tearing up furiously.

“Face it, Solar, if it weren’t for your two brothers, no one would be here to care about you!” the brown male erinafelis starts saying. “And what if you three go your separate ways, huh? Would you have anyone else to care about you? Heck, you pretty much are separate from them at school, seeing as how you always want to be by yourself here!”

“But... but I...” Solar says, crying.

“Anyway, we've spent more than enough time rambling, see ya later, oh cowardly one,” the light green erinafelis says, walking away with the brown one.

Solar is left with her knees on the grass, crying in despair, and then shouts out loud, which triggers her to wake up. This also wakes Star and Nite up from how loud it is.

“Solar, what's wrong?” Nite asks quietly, rubbing his eyes and then his glasses. “Did you just have a big nightmare or something?”

“Well, I... I...” Solar started, sobbing. “I was having a d-dream that w-was exactly like th-that one light green girl and b-b-brown boy saying h-how useless I am!”

“Oh, don't feel bad, Solar,” Nite says, rubbing her back. “That was five years ago, it’s in the past where it belongs. Besides, Star and I walked up to them right afterwards and taught them a lesson, didn’t we Star?”

“Yeah! I clawed them right in their faces to show her what happens when you mess with even one of us!” Star replies with a courageous tone that goes down right afterwards. “Which may have led to them having to get face surgeries, but they started it!”

“Yeah, that was too far, but putting that aside, you really are so much more caring and helpful than they ever were. So, you may be a bit different from others, but being yourself really is all that should ever matter! Those two kids just didn't know how much you mean to us and other people!” Nite says to make Solar feel a lot better.

“Yeah, you're right!” Solar replies. “I also shouldn’t be so afraid to stand up for myself, either, which is especially important in a situation like this where we have to find our way back home and stop Overlord Nebula once and for all!”

“Yeah, that’s the spirit, Solar!” Star and Nite both say.

“And together, along with help from Mark and Lily Wilson, we can, in fact, accomplish that goal!” Solar says.

“Yeah!” Star and Nite both cheer.

“Alright, guys, now that we’ve taken care of that, I think it’s best to head back to sleep right now,” Star says. “You don’t want to be too tired when you go to some nearby area we’ve never been to yet.”

“Wait, what?” Solar replies.

The very next day, Mark and Lily are taking the Starlights to the agency they work at. Solar is shivering with fear as she walks inside. Nite sighs and says, “So much for our encouragement from last night...”

“Well, here we are, kids,” Mark starts to say. “The very place Lily and I work at: The Mobian City Agency!”

“Yeah, this is where Mark and I take care of every crime that gets brought to our attention!” Lily says.

“Wow, just like superheroes!? Like Team VG stopping the evil doings of Chou Aharewata in the cartoons!?” Star asks.

“Yeah, in a way,” Mark answers. “We don't really have any big super powers, but we take down crime just like superheroes.”

“That’s very neat!” Star replies joyfully.

“You bet it is,” Mark says. “You know, if you want, we can meet with our boss, Mr. Wright!”

“Yeah, we’d like to meet him!” Star says. Solar, however, is very nervous, not walking with everyone else. “Come on, Solar!” Star says, making Solar quickly realize that she's being left behind.

“I’m coming!” she says, race walking.

Mark, Lily, and the Starlights stand in front of the office of the yellow-furred Ivo Wright, whose workers refer to as Mr. Wright, and Mark knocks on the door. “Come in,” Mr. Wright says as Mark and the others walk in.

“Hello, Mr. Wright,” Lily says.

“Oh, hello, Mark and Lily!” Mr. Wright says as he turns his chair forward. “It’s great to see you two this fine afternoon!”

“Hello!” Star says.

“Aw, who’s this young fellow right here?” Mr. Wright asks.

“I'm Star, and I came here with my siblings, Nite and Solar,” Star starts, with Nite and Solar saying, “Hello.” “And we come from a faraway town called Wattersonville.”

Mr. Wright responds to Star with, “Hm. Interesting.”

“Right? Mark and I discovered these three just last night in a forest 20 miles away from where we live,” Lily says.

“Hmm,” Mr. Wright replies, intrigued. “So tell me, Star, how exactly did you three come all the way over here?”

“Well, there’s this really tall guy named Overlord Nebula, and he’s the one that sent us here from a portal to prevent us from ever getting back home, and he’s about take it over if we don't do something about it!” Star answers, concerned.

“Yes, right now,” Nite answers. “We’re working with Mark and Lily so that we can put an end to Nebula’s attack! Otherwise, we’d have no home, no parents, nothing!” This makes Solar tear up once more from even thinking about it.

Mr. Wright then proceeds to laugh hard, thinking this is all a game that kids play. “Oh, man, this is too rich!” he says.

“Mr. Wright, this is serious, you have to believe us!” Star says.

“There’s no way this Nebula guy could exist anymore, because of that war that happened 40 years ago where he was killed! Man, you must not be so bright in history class!” Mr. Wright says, continues, still laughing hard.

This makes Solar start to get the urge to claw Mr. Wright's face, but Mark holds her back. “Mr. Wright, they're not joking! They really are in danger, and we're going to help them!” Mark explains.

“Yeah, sure, you go do that, while I take care of danger I actually believe!” Mr. Wright says, still laughing as he turns his chair back. Mark, Lily, and the Starlights head out of his office.

“That Mr. Wright guy is terrible!” Solar says. “I can’t believe he's the boss of a place that helps others!”

“Well, he is a very selective fellow,” Lily replies. “He doesn't believe in evil rulers coming back after wars that the lost decades ago.”

“Hey, why don't we meet close friends of ours that are more likely to believe us?” Mark asks.

“How would you know that?” Nite asks.

“Well, you’ll see once we get there,” Mark says as he and the others walk out of the Mobian City Agency.


Posted by MajorStarlight - April 29th, 2024

Chapter 1 (October 13, 2014).

In space, there exists a dimension different from all others. One that no one outside of it has ever even heard about. This dimension is the home place of the heroes of our tale. This is the home place... of the Starlights!

In this dimension, there is a type of advanced species known as the "erinafelis." Or erinafeli for plural. An erinafelis is a hybrid creature of hedgehogs and cats. "Erina" comes from “erinaceinae,” a subfamily that hedgehogs are part of. “Felis” is a genus of cats in the family “felidae,” which is a cat's biological family. They have the spines and ears of a hedgehog and the overall look of a cat. An erinafelis's life span is usually much longer than a hedgehog's and a cat's combined, as they can live for as long as over 100 years.

Our tale begins at a house in this dimension. On the outside, it has blue walls, a white door on the right, a window next to the door, a short stairway, a white roof, a tan awning over the porch, and a smaller window above the awning. This is the house our three heroes, collectively named the Starlights, live in, and it's been their family home ever since they moved in 10 years ago. Their mother, named Flare, is 53 years old and has light blue fur, and their father, named Orion, is 52 years old and has red fur. They are currently at home waiting for their children to arrive from school while they're in the living room, which has a brown sofa, a black TV, a white table, a tan and brown rug, and stairs leading to the hallway.

“I sure hope the Starlights are okay,” Flare says, worrying about what might've happened to them.

Orion calms Flare down, saying, “Don't worry, I’m sure they're fine. I mean, Star is a dedicated hero defending his younger siblings. And if any trouble happens, he can easily help his siblings out.”

“Yes, but it’s been two hours past the time they're supposed to be home, and they still haven't arrived yet,” Flare replies back.

“Well, maybe they're walking home right now,” Orion says. “I mean, they-” He was interrupted by three knocks on the front door. “Speaking of which...” He and Flare walk up to the front door to open it, and they see the Starlights.

The Starlights consists of three young children: Star, a light blue 14-year-old who likes to be the hero and defend his friends and family; Nite, a red 13-year-old who thinks strategically; and Solar, a pink 12-year-old who may be one shy girl, but she is willing to fight with her older brothers. When they see their parents, they all have bright smiles on their faces as they say “Hi mom! Hi dad!”

“Hi, kids!” Flare and Orion reply back, with Flare and Orion giving each of them a big hug.

“So, how was your day, guys?” Flare asks the Starlights.

“Good!” they all answer.

“That’s good to hear. Now, I have one quick question for you guys,” Flare says, somewhat concerned.

“Well, what is it, mom?” Star asks.

“What were you guys up to for the last two hours?” she asks. “It's 5:30 P.M. right now.”

“Oh, that,” Nite replies. “Star and I were waiting for Solar.”

“Really? What were you up to, Solar?” Flare asks Solar.

“Well, I was finishing up a drawing of us,” Solar answers. She hands Flare and Orion a picture she drew of them, herself, and her brothers all together.

“Aw, that’s sweet!” Flare says, giving Solar another big hug. Afterwards, the Starlights head to their rooms.

“See? I told you they’d be here soon,” Orion tells Flare.

Flare calms down as she says, “Yeah, you’re right. But there's also always a chance of them being in danger, you know?”

“Yeah, I understand,” Orion replies.

“I’m just so afraid of what might happen to them, given how young they are...” Flare says, concerned about what happens to the Starlights as she sits down on the living room couch.

Orion sits with Flare to calm her down. “There there. Like I said earlier, Star is a dedicated hero. I mean, when Solar was being harassed by bullies, Star and Nite stood up for her and gave them what they deserved, because of how inseparable they are as siblings!”

“Well, I suppose you’re right,” Flare replies. “As long as Star knows what he’s doing.”

“Yeah,” Orion tells her. “Heck, we were in a big war ourselves, and we managed okay.”

“Actually, yeah, we did,” Flare says. “Though, that was from help provided by our parents, who were military veterans.”

"That is true. And also... well, you know...” Orion replies. “But even then, we tried our hardest to defeat Overlord Nebula!” He then says, smiling as he looks back.

As Solar heard this conversation from her room, she wondered, “Nebula?” She walked into Star’s room to ask him about Overlord Nebula. “Star?”

“Yeah, sis?” Star asks back.

“Who’s Overlord Nebula?” Solar asks.

Star starts to answer with a bit of uncertainty. “Well… how do I put this… Nebula is an evil ruler that tried to attack our planet 40 years ago, way back when our parents were much younger.”

“He doesn’t sound like a good guy at all!” Solar says.

“No, he certainly wasn’t,” Star replies.

“What’s going on?” Nite asks, wondering what Star and Solar were talking about.

“Oh, I was just telling Solar about Nebula,” Star answer.

“Oh, Nebula,” Nite replies.

“Mm-hmm,” Solar replies.

“Yeah. Everyone often says that Nebula was killed 40 years ago,” Nite says. “But there’s also a rumor going around that Nebula is still alive today!”

“R-really!? E-even after f-forty y-years?” Solar says, scared.

“Well, it’s just a rumor, but we should still be aware of it and whether or not it’s actually true,” Nite finishes as he starts to sound more concerned.

“I-I’m scared of this guy!” Solar shouts as she’s crying.

Flare and Orion walk into Star’s room and see the Starlights. “Scared of who?” Flare asks Solar.

“Oh, we were talking to her about Nebula,” Star answer. “She wondered who he was and asked Star about him.”

“Please don’t let Nebula attack me!” Solar shouts as she runs towards Flare and hugs her.

“Oh, poor Solar,” Flare says, hugging Solar to comfort her. “Everything will be okay. While we should be aware of it, it's just a rumor; rumors aren’t often true.”

“R-really?” Solar asks.

“Mm-hmm,” Flare replies back.

“Hey, why don’t we go out and take a nice walk to calm you down, okay?” Orion says, concerned about Solar.

“Okay,” Solar says, going outside with Flare and Orion for a long walk.

Nite starts to regret telling Solar about the possibility of Nebula coming back. “Man, I feel guilty right now.”

Star puts his hand on Nite’s right shoulder as he replies with, “It’s not your fault, Nite. It’s not really anyone’s fault in this family; it’s just something that happens when you hear about someone like Nebula.”

“I guess, you’re right, Star,” Nite says.

Chapter 2 (June 25, 2015).

After the long walk, Solar comes back home with Flare and Orion. They walk inside and see Star and Nite playing a fighting game by the name of Smashers. “Oh, hey guys,” Star and Nite say to them.

“Hi,” Solar, Flare, and Orion reply.

Nite pauses the game to ask, “So, are you feeling any better, Solar?” Solar responds by nodding her head.

“Alright, now that we’re back inside, I should cook us some dinner,” Flare says. “Anyone up for cheeseburgers tonight?”

“Sure thing,” the Starlights and Orion answer.

Before she does that, though, Flare walks over to Solar and whispers, “Solar, can I talk to you for a minute?”

“Um, okay,” Solar answers.

“Now, that time Nite told you about Nebula,” Flare begins. “That was a pretty scary thing for him to talk to you about.”

“Uh-huh,” Solar replies.

Flare starts to lower her voice, like a whisper. “I mean, the possibility of an overlord rising back for revenge against us can be very scary for you to handle, especially with how much harder autism makes it for you to not be scared by it possibly happening here. But you do understand why he did it, right?”

“Yeah,” Solar replies, feeling a little shaken.

“Good. Now, can you tell me why he did it?” Flare asks.

“To get me prepared for when Nebula does come back,” Solar answers timidly.

“That’s right, for when Nebula does come back. Like I said before, we should be aware of it, even if it’s just a rumor. You just never know with a guy that threatening,” Flare says.

As she was listening to her mom, Solar decides to ask, “So, what did you do during the last war he was in?”

Flare begins to explain. “Well, it was 40 years ago. It was me and Orion when I was Nite’s age and Orion was your age. Our parents took us to the military where they worked, and our time there started with Sargent Randall Ermey.”

*flashback to 40 years ago*

“Alright, everybody, time to get up and listen to everything I have to say right now!” Everyone in the army room got out of their beds to stand in a line to listen to the brown-furred Sargent Ermey, who is pacing around the room to make sure everyone clearly understands him. Two of the soldiers, Flare and Orion, are standing in between their parents, who have either a lighter tone (Flare’s mom and Orion’s dad) or a darker tone (Flare’s dad and Orion’s mom) of their children’s fur color.

Flare whispers to Orion “So, why did our parents bring us here?”

“Well, I heard that this Overlord Nebula guy we’re fighting is supposed to be really tough,” Orion whispers back.

“Well, why do we have to-” Flare gets interrupted by Ermey, who walked up to them to get their attention.

“Are you two done talking to each other yet!?” the Ermey shouts at them.

“Uh, sir yes sir!” both Flare and Orion hastily answer, shaking as they hold their own hands over their forehead to salute him.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” Ermey shouts. He then goes back to pacing around the room. “Anyway, now. The reason you are all here is that we’ve got a massive threat terrorizing our homeland! He is said to be so powerful, it’s gonna take about more than fifty fighters to take him down for good! Heck, when I found these four good soldiers right here, I figured their kids could be helpful too! Now don’t worry, these kids aren't going to go out in the battlefield, they are too young for that, but we could at least use them for supplying us with some helpful items, like more ammo when we need it!”

Suddenly, two of the soldiers raise their hands. Ermey sees this and says, “Yes, what do you two have to say about this!?”

“Uh, can this good man and I just supply ammo too?” one of the soldiers says.

“Yeah, we don’t think we really are strong enough for the big bad-” another one of the soldiers says before being interrupted.

“Don’t give me that junk!” Randall shouts as he walked to the two soldiers. “You two are here to become brave soldiers and fight, not cop out like idiots!” He slaps them both to smack some sense into them, which causes both of them to respond with “Ow!”

“Now that we have had that cowardly question asked, I think I should bring up that we must train as hard as we can, as quickly as we can before our enemy gets to us!” Randall continues. “And when we are ready, we will take that scum down as if it was absolutely nothing! Any more questions!? Good, now go all the way to the training field! And don’t you dare let me down!”

All of the soldiers walk all the way to the training field. As they are walking, Flare asks “Mom, dad, are you two sure we’ll be alright?”

“Yes, sweetie, we will be fine, we just have to count on ourselves,” Flare’s mom answers.

“That’s right,” Flare's dad replies. “The more you count on yourself, the stronger you’ll be.”

Later that day, all of the soldiers are at the training field, practicing their aims with their laser guns. Flare and Orion’s parents are teaching them how to supply them with ammo when they need it. “Are you sure about bringing us here in the war?” Orion asks his parents.

“Now now, son, of course we will need you,” Orion's father answers. “The leader thinks you’ll be helpful to us during this war.”

“That's right,” Orion's mom replies. “And you'll be seen as a brave contributor many years down the road. Besides, it’s just supplying us with extra items, it’s not like you’re actually going to go out there on your own.”

“But where and how are we going to do that?” Flare asks.

“Well, that’s pretty easy,” Flare’s mom answers. “You just follow us and try to hide behind cover.”

“And when we need something, we’ll let you know when we say ‘We need this item’ through our walkie-talkies,” Flare’s dad answers.

“That's right,” Orion’s dad replies. “In fact, here’s an example.” He begins to call another soldier in the army. “Hey! You! Over there!”

The soldier Orion's dad called sees Orion and asks, “Hey, what do you need?”

“Can you hand me an energy pack to refill my laser gun!?” Orion's dad asks.

“Sure thing,” the soldier answers. He grabs an energy pack, walks over to Orion's dad, and hands him the pack. “Here you go.”

“Thank you,” Orion’s dad replies, grabbing the pack. “See, that wasn’t so ha-“ he was then interrupted by a loud explosion. He panics and shouts “Incoming!”

As everyone panics and try to defend themselves with their laser guns, Overlord Nebula’s army arrives with its own set of laser guns. “Flare, I need you to send me a pack!” Flare's mom says.

“But where!?” Flare shouts, breathing quickly.

“You see that case!?” Flare's mom asks, pointing at a grey case. “Open it and give an energy pack to me!”

“Alright!” Flare replies, opening the case. She grabs the pack and hands it to her mom. “Here you go!”

“Thank you very much!” Flare’s mom responded, reloading her laser gun and shooting at the oncoming army.

Flare panics more and more. She runs as fast as she possibly can to void any of the enemies’ shots getting her down. She also slides under one of the enemies, jumps, and kicks him the back of his head. As Flare is continuing to run, she then sees her dad and tries to help him. “Are you doing okay!?” she asks.

“I’m doing fine, Flare!” Flare’s dad shouts. “I just need a bit more protection from these monsters!”

Flare starts to panic even more. “Right!? Where did they come from!? We didn’t even get done with preparing for this-“

Suddenly, someone showed up and shot Flare’s father in the back, making him shout, “Agh!”

Flare gasped at the sight of her father getting shot. “No! Daddy!” she cried, running up to him and trying to help him up.

“It’s... too late... to try to help me now, Flare... but I will always... be with you... in your memories...” he says quietly, unable to speak up, right before he dies. Flare couldn’t believe this and is absolutely heartbroken. Then she looked up and saw the killer who shot him. It was none other than the grey-furred monster himself, Overlord Nebula.

“He’s in a better place now...” says Nebula. Flare gasped and walked slowly away from him. “...but you don’t have to worry about that... because you’ll be right there with him!” As he tried shooting Flare, she ran away fast and avoided his five shots towards her, with several tears coming out as she runs.

*end of flashback*

“I couldn’t believe what I saw. I was too traumatized to continue on with the war. Then he got my mom too, and then he got both of Orion’s parents as well. And even when we did manage to defeat him, we still grieve for our great, great losses,” Flare says, with tears forming on her eyes as she remembers this tragedy.

“Wow... that’s... sad...” Solar sobs, already having formed many tears of her own.

“I know it is, sweetie,” Flare replies. “Only when I reached my early twenties could I ever feel any better.”

Solar hugs Flare and tells her, “Please don’t die so soon like our grandparents did! I seriously don’t know if I can take it!” crying tremendously.

“I’ll try not to, sweetie,” Flare responded, hugging Solar back. “I'll try not to.”

Chapter 3 (August 1, 2015).

The next day, Flare and Orion wake up in their bedroom to the alarm clock sounding off at 9 A.M. Flare turns it off and says to Orion, “Morning, Orion.”

“Ah, good morning, Flare,” Orion replies, stretching.

They both get up from their bed and walk to the kitchen to get breakfast. As they walk over there, they see the Starlights watching TV. “Hey kids,” they both say.

“Hey mom, hey dad,” the Starlights reply.

“Feeling any better now, Solar?” Flare asks Solar.

“Well, a little bit,” Solar says.

“That’s good to hear,” Flare replies.

“Feeling better about what?” Star asks Solar.

“Well...” Solar started.

“Well... what?” Nite asks.

“Well, I got quite scared yesterday,” Solar says.

“Yes, and?” Star says.

“Well, after my walk yesterday, mom told me about her time in the war against Overlord Nebula,” Solar says.

“Oh yeah, that story,” Nite replies. “Yeah, we kinda figured you’d be scared by something like that.”

“Yeah, in fact, when mom told us this story, we were scared too, because we don’t want mom to die like her parents did during that war,” Star says to Solar.

“Mm-hmm,” Solar replies, nodding.

“It’s even scarier when you realize that there is a possibility that he may come back,” Nite says. “We should be keeping our eyes out for when the day he comes back finally comes.”

“R-right,” Solar replies, stuttering from fear. She and her brothers return to watching TV to calm themselves down.

Later that day, the Starlights are all in their rooms. Star is playing a game, Nite is reading a novel, and Solar is watching a movie. Suddenly, they all hear loud knocks on the door and their parents screaming in the living room. The Starlights stop what they're doing and run to the living room. “WHAT!? WHAT!?” the Starlights all scream.

“Th-th-th.. Th-” Flare tried speaking.

“WHAT IS IT!?” the Starlights shout.

“H-he’s-” Orion, also trying to speak, was interrupted by loud knocks on the door, which scares everyone.

“Yoo-hoo! Hello! Anyone in here!?” A mysterious voice shouts.

“Wh-wha-what is that!?” Star says, panicking.

“Yoo-hoo! I've got a special delivery, and it has you’re names on it!” the voice shouts.

“W-well, w-we never asked for anything, you got the wrong house!” Solar says.

“Oh, is that so!?” the voice replies. “Well, then I guess I’ll send it to someone who did order this package... as a present for you!” His three white-furred servants barged the front door open and shot lasers from their plasma guns, breaking everything that they aimed their guns at. The Starlights and their parents hide quickly behind a couch before the servants did start shooting.

As soon as the servants stop shooting, they see that the Starlights are nowhere in sight. “Um, uh, Nebula, th-there’s nobody here,” says one of Nebula's servants named Orbo, the servant with glasses.

“Yeah, why did you take us to a house obviously no one lives in!?” says East, the one with a black rose.

“Yeah, I want my time and my ammo back!” says Ray, the one with the baseball cap.

“Enough!” Nebula shouts, shutting his servants up. “Obviously, none of you heard the little voices in this house! Now, search around the house, and find those damn kids!”

Behind the couch, Solar quietly gasps, but closes her own mouth to try to keep herself silent.

“What do we do!?” Star whispers to Flare.

“Well, while Nebula isn’t looking-” Flare, whispering her plan so quietly that Nebula couldn't have heard it, gets interrupted by Nebula moving the couch.

“You were saying?” Star says to Flare.

“Well look at that, could this have been any easier to find!?” Nebula shouts.

“Well, you're about to lose us after we’re through with you!” Orion shouts, standing up.

“That’s right!” Flare replies.

“Oh, but it’s not you I'm looking for,” Nebula says. “I’ve come for them!” He was about to grab the Starlights, but then the Starlights ran away.

As they tried to outrun him, though, they get captured by his servants. East captures Star, Orbo captures Nite, and Ray captures Solar. “Dang it!” the Starlights shouts.

“No!” Flare and Orion shout. As they tried to rescue the Starlights, however, Nebula grabs them with two whips he brought over. They get captured by their feet, causing them to gasp and fall to the ground. “Y-you won’t get away with this!” they shout.

“Oh, you think so?” Nebula says. “My transportation device says otherwise!” He pulls out a blaster and shoots a portal out of it. “Servants, push the Starlights into the portal! Now!”

“Yes sir!” East, Orbo, and Ray reply, moving the Starlights towards the portal.

“No! Let us go now! Please!” the Starlights shout, trying to escape.

Flare and Orion gasp and try to move out of Nebula's whips to rescue their children. Before they could though, Nebula’s servants push the Starlights into the portal, which disappears as soon as the Starlights are thrown inside. “Noooooooo!” they both shout.

Overlord Nebula laughs as he sees that the Starlights are sent to another place in this dimension where it seems like it will take them forever to come back. “Yes! I've done it!”

“You monster!” Flare shouts, crying.

“You will pay for this!” Orion shouts, also crying.

“Oh, we’ll see about that!” Nebula replies. As Flare and Orion try to escape Nebula’s whips, his servants grab them by the arms with their own whips, causing them to feel pain. “Now that the Starlights are gone, nothing will come by to stop me!”


Posted by MajorStarlight - March 24th, 2024

Hello, everyone, MajorStarlight here. What you are now reading is my introductory post for my very first time ever having an account on this very website, Newgrounds. All the way back in November & December 2012, I had accounts on both Fanfiction.net and Deviant Art, respectively. And then in December 2019, I started a Discord account, though I didn’t really start using that publicly until April 2023 when I joined ‘NEW! Fake Video Games Community’. I’ve been public online for well over eleven years now, having written a small amount of fanfictions and even my own original story called ‘Starlights’, I’ve done quite a lot of picture editing (especially for that server I just talked about, where I make covers for non-existent video games), and biggest of all, I’ve made a looooooot of drawings, which I’m currently setting up for release on this website to further expand on my audience! Especially with how hard Deviant Art has been falling lately, which is actually what prompted me to join this website, of all things, after doing enough research for where I can start packing up and moving to. Sucks to see what was once my most favorite website fall so hard, but hey, better to jump off of a sinking ship that’s been blasted at over and over with all of the crucial parts destroyed than to have you yourself die with it.

As I bring all of my drawings in, get yourself ready for an avalanche of Sonic the Hedgehog and The Amazing World of Gumball fanart, plenty of other fanarts for other games & shows (i.e. Mario, Mega Man, Doom, Blue’s Clues, Summer Camp Island, Murder Drones) as well as music & movies (i.e. Green Day, The Cranberries, My Chemical Romance, Back to the Future, The Bad Guys, Sweeney Todd), and quite a few more drawings that I made for Starlights (along with my other original creations like Fox Knight and Mixie the Punk Cat Girl). Be forewarned, though, that, while my work is overall tame for the most part, some of it gets weird. I’m talking the ‘crossover shippings’ and ‘violent Sonic and/or Gumball drawings’ kind of weird. Then again, this is the internet, so I’m 100% sure you’ve seen a lot weirder that what I really have to offer; I certainly have, lol.

And that’s all I have to say for now, thank you all for reading and I will see you when I start finally posting my art here (whenever that will be; definitely throughout next month, though).
