I draw a lot (i.e. Sonic, Gumball, my OCs like the Starlights)
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Starlights, chapters 10-12

Posted by MajorStarlight - May 2nd, 2024

Chapter 10 (January 1, 2018).

At Wattersonville, a 47-year-old red-furred woman in a black coat and hat walks into her office. “Well, that was quite the mission I was on. Let’s see what's being shown on WarnCom News,” she says to herself. Just as she was about to turn on her computer, however, she sees Flare and Orion just outside the building from her window. “Oh hey, it’s my brother Orion, and his wife Flare! I wonder what they’re up to!” She walks out to greet Flare and Orion. “Hey, guys!” she shouts.

“Uvee!” Flare and Orion say together, walking up to her and giving her a hug.

“Nice to see you two at this time of day!” Uvee says.

“Yeah, it’s actually been a while since we last saw you, sister!” Orion replies. “Afterwards being a time where we would really have needed to see you again.”

“Yeah, I’ve been meaning to see you two again for some time now!” Uvee says. “So, what made you two decide to come by?”

“Well, the unfortunate thing here is that we’ve been very troubled for the past week”, Flare starts to answer.

“Oh no, what happened?” Uvee asks.

“Well, you know our kids, right? Star, Nite, and Solar?” Flare asks.

“Oh, how could I ever forget those three?" Uvee replies. “I remember looking after them a lot from when they were preschool to when Star was just about to graduate from Primary School! How are they doing right now?”

“Well, that’s what we were just gonna tell you about!” Orion starts.

“Uh-huh,” Uvee replies.

“They’ve been kidnapped,” Orion finishes.

This makes Uvee very worried. “Oh no, that's a dying shame!” she replies. “Do you have any information on who kidnapped them?”

“Yes,” Flare answers. “In fact, we were right there when it happened. We were just enjoying ourselves at our house-”

“Wait, hold on a minute,” Uvee says. I need to grab my pen and notepad for this. A good detective gathers all the evidence he or she needs.” She pulls out a notepad and a pen from her jacket and prepares herself for writing down what Flare says. “Ready!”

“Okay,” Flare says, starting over. “We were just enjoying ourselves at our house, when all of a sudden, a grey erinafelis broke in with his three servants. We tried to outdo him, but he knew that we would try to do that to him the moment we see him. He tied me and Orion together so we can’t escape, and he summoned a portal that he threw our kids into, never to be seen by us again.” Flare starts to tear up as she explains this, and so is Uvee as she is writing notes.

“To even hear about the three kids I’ve known for so long be taken from us like that... is just wrong,” Uvee says. “Do you know his name?”

“His name is actually the craziest part of this situation,” Orion says.

“And that is?” I've asks.

“Overlord Nebula” Orion answers.

This makes Uvee drop her notepad and pen in shock. “Overlord... Nebula!? I... I thought he was killed four decades ago! You two were there, right?” she asks.

“We were there, and we thought we did kill him... nope, just a false alarm,” Orion answers.

“And do you know anything about the device he used to summon that portal? Have you asked people about where your kids could be?”

“Yes, we have,” Flare answers, sobbing. “But none of them said they have seen them!”

Uvee then gets back her notepad and pen from the ground. “No, we will not let Nebula get away with this!” she says. “Do you guys have photos that we can make missing posters with?”

“Actually, yeah, that what we came to you for,” Flare answers.

“And do you know of Nebula’s whereabouts right now?” Uvee asks.

“Unfortunately, he left before we could ever escape, so we don’t really know where he is right now,” Orion answers.

“Damn,” Uvee replies. “Oh well, enough stalling right now, we got business to get to right now! Come on, let’s go!” She, along with Flare and Orion, walks back into her building to get Flare’s Christmas photo made into a missing poster. Just when Uvee opens the door, however, they all see Overlord Nebula standing in front of them, making them all gasp.

“Miss me, anyone?” Overlord Nebula says.

“YOU!” Uvee, Flare, and Orion collectively shout. Then Nebula’s three servants grab hold of them with their electric whips. “Hey, let us go right now!”

Overlord Nebula laughs maniacally. “Not on my watch are any of you getting away with this!" he says.

“How did you hear about what we’re doing, and, for that matter, how did you break into my office!?” Uvee asks. “And where did you throw the Starlights to, you monster!?”

“None of those questions will be any of your concern once I’m through with you,” Nebula says. He grabs his staff and casts a sleeping spell on Uvee, Flare, and Orion.

“Don’t you dare make us feel... Don’t you get a..." Uvee was saying before falling asleep.

“There,” Overlord Nebula says. “I’ve had it with that woman’s annoying voice and way of speaking to me. Anyway, East, Orbo, Ray, take them to the Starlights’ home. Once the Starlights somehow find a way back to this town and find me, I want them to see their parents and aunt suffer, making them suffer more than they already will from me!”

“Yes sir!” East, Orbo, and Ray all say together, taking their victims with them and Overlord Nebula.

Orbo, however, starts feeling sleepy as well, yawning. “Sir, uh, when I, uh, go home, may I, uh, take a nap as well?” he asks.

“Fine, just as long as you put our victims where they belong first,” Overlord Nebula answers.

East starts yawning. “Can I take one too, all this work is making me sleepy,” she says.

“Same here, boss,” Ray says. “How about your pal Ray here?”

“No more asking, you can all rest after we’re done here,” Overlord Nebula answers. “And I thought the aunt was getting on my nerves.”

Chapter 11 (February 17, 2018).

In Mobian City, Officer Carpenter and Officer Gale are driving their police cars. Carpenter is driving with Mark in the passenger’s seat and Star in the seat behind Mark, while Gale is driving with Lily in the passenger’s seat and Nite in the seat behind Lily. Star is wearing a new pair of sunglasses resting on the top of his head during this car trip. “Did we really have to stop by the mall for you to get a new pair of sunglasses while having to save your younger sister, Star?” Mark asks Star.

“Hey, I need to make sure that I look as stylish as I can be for this quest,” Star replies. “All superheroes have to look stylish when they’re saving the innocent and fighting crimes, and my way of looking stylish just so happens to be putting sunglasses over my head!”

“Right,” Mark replies. “Anyway, so, Officer Carpenter, you and Gale have a history with this ‘Professor Steve Pager’ guy you were referring to, huh?”

“Oh yes, we know Professor Pager all too well,” Officer Carpenter answers. “He didn’t seem like he had any bad intentions when we started working for him. I mean, wanting some new test subjects for your experiments isn't a bad idea at all. In fact, it's a rather great idea.”

“Well, what exactly is your entire history with Steve, and when did he start to have bad intentions?” Star asks.

“Well, let’s start with about thirty years ago...” Officer Carpenter starts to answer.

*flashback to thirty years ago...*

Carpenter and Gale are walking into Professor Pager's laboratory, when they see Steve just outside the laboratory. “Carpenter, Gale, it’s great to see you two!” he said.

“Good to see you as well, Professor Pager!” Carpenter and Gale reply.

“So, what kind of business do you do in here? What scientific activity is right up your alley?” Carpenter asks.

“Oh, I just like to do some scientific experiments around here,” Steve answers. “One day, I’ll have a scientific discovery of my own”

“That’s pretty cool,” Gale replies. “So, how long have you been doing this?”

“For about a week,” Steve answers. “I haven't found my own discovery yet, but you know, discoveries take time to happen. Sometimes, you just get lucky when you do, and I’m willing to wait if it means I do get to achieve that dream sometime down the road!”

“That’s nice to hear,” Carpenter replies. “Don't be giving up on your dreams just yet, because they will never actually come true if you do.”

“Uh-huh,” Steve replies. “And you two will also be helping me achieve that dream, right?”

“Of course!” Gale answers. “The more, the merrier. Cooperation has always been key when you can get it, after all.”

“Right!” Steve answers. “I wish you two the best of luck on this quest!”

“And we wish you the best of luck back, Steve!” Carpenter and Gale reply.

*flashfoward to a year later...*

Carpenter and Gale are at a local diner, with Carpenter eating a cheeseburger and Gale eating spaghetti. “Hey, Gale,” Carpenter asks.

“Yeah?” Gale asks.

“Have you seen Professor Pager around lately?” Carpenter asks.

“No, not in at least three months,” Gale replies. “What makes you ask?”

“Well, it’s just that we haven’t seen him in quite a while, and when we did see him last time, he looked a bit... off...” Carpenter answers.

“Hm,” Gale replies. “Off as in...?”

“Off as in looking a bit disheveled,” Carpenter answers. “Like he’s going through a rough time, or something.”

“Well, do you mind if we check on him after we get done eating?” Gale asks.

“Yeah, we probably should,” Carpenter answers as he and Gale continue eating their food.

Later that day, Carpenter and Gale enter Professor Pager’s room in his laboratory, and Steve is currently sitting in front of his computer while covering his face.

“Uh, Professor Pager?” Carpenter asks.

“Are you okay, sir?” Gale asks.

“Do I look okay!?” Professor Pager asks, grabbing Carpenter and Gale by the fronts of their shirts and pulling them closer to him. “Is this the face of someone not going through a crisis!?”

“What the!?” Carpenter and Gale say.

“What the is right! What the hell is taking me so long to find even one scientific discovery of my own!?” Professor Pager asks, his patience growing thinner by the minute. “WHY DOES THIS TAKE SO MUCH TIME!?!?"

“Professor, you talked a year ago about how achieving your dreams takes time-” Carpenter starts before being interrupted.

“Yes, I know what I said a year ago, about how it takes time to achieve your dreams, but how much more time must I take!?” Steve shouts.

“Maybe just-” Gale starts before being interrupted.

“I've been spending an entire doing this, and it is seeming more and more like I’ve wasted it! WASTED IT ALL!!” Professor Pager shouts. “WHY WERE YOU TWO OF NO HELP!?!?”

“It takes time-” Gale starts, before being interrupted once again.

“You know what?” Steve starts. “I need to kidnap children!”

“That’s it, we’re done with you, okay, bye!” Carpenter replies, running away alongside Gale as Steve starts shouting loudly and destroying everything in his lab.

*back to present day...*

“His patience kept growing thinner and thinner,” Officer Carpenter says. “He just couldn’t take anymore of spending his lifetime for what seemed like a dead end, yet he still keeps on trying to achieve that dream. And in a very bad way.”

“And now, with Solar in his possession...” Star replies.

“Well,” Officer Carpenter says. “We better get your sister back quickly, or you’ll never see her again.”

Star gasps in response to what Officer Carpenter just said, as does Mark. “That sick-minded monster!” he said. “I will not stand for that, and neither will you two here in this car, and the others in Officer Gale's car! We've got to hurry, quick!”

Just then, Officer Gale calls Officer Carpenter, who asks Mark, “Can you get that for me, please? I’m driving.”

“Gotcha,” Mark replies, picking up Officer Carpenter's phone. “Hello, Mark here.”

“We’ve just arrived at Professor Pager’s laboratory,” Officer Gale says on the phone.

“Perfect! We’ll be right there!” Mark says before hanging up.

Officer Carpenter then parks next to Officer Gale as everyone exits the cars they were in. “Ah, there it is, just like how Gale and I remember it,” he says.

“Yeah, only with a few modern things done to keep it looking presentable,” Officer Gale replies. “Anyway, this right here is our chance to save Solar! We go into this laboratory, save Solar, fight Professor Pager, and get out of here! And then the Starlight altogether can go back to their home town and save it! If you guys are ready, then let’s go!” Officer Gale then heads into the laboratory along with Officer Carpenter, Mark, Lily, Star, and Nite to all save Solar from the Evil hands of Dr. Greg Hassle, Dr. Rich Jouse, and most importantly, Professor Steve Pager.

Chapter 12 (March 30, 2018).

Inside the laboratory, Steve is standing right in front of Solar in the cage she’s trapped inside of. “Ooh, I cannot wait to do some tests on this child! Are you excited, oh pink-furred one? Because I sure am!” he laughs maniacally. He then hears the doorbell ring. “Hey, uh, Rich, Greg, would either one of you two like to get that for me?” he says to Rich and Greg.

“I’ll get it, boss,” Greg replies. He then walks to the entrance door, and opens it. “Hello, what can I-” he says just before being handcuffed by Officer Carpenter. “What the-!?”

Rich then walks to the entrance, saying, “Hey, what’s up-“ he says before Carpenter quickly moves Greg and handcuffs Rich to him, throwing the both to a wall and on the ground. “Hey!” What’s going on here!?”

Officer Gale then walks up to Rich and Greg, answering Rich’s question with, “We’re reporting you two and your boss for kidnapping a 12-year-old kid that belongs to these two right here.”

“That’s our sister you captured!” Nite says.

“No one kidnaps one of us and gets away with it! At least, unscathed, but that’s beside our point!” Star says.

“Wha... th-there’s more of you!?” Rich replies, surprised.

“Yes there is, sirs!” Mark says.

“W-well... P-Professor Pager has her now, and will claim her as his own before you can do anything!” Greg says.

“No one’s going to claim anything!” Mark says. “You stay here, and-“

“What’s going on here in the-“ Professor Pager says before gasping at the sight of everyone who came by to save Solar. “YOU! YOU two are back!” he says to Officer Carpenter and Officer Gale.

“Yeah, we’re back here,” Officer Gale replies. “Because you took someone from us!”

“Who, that pink girl in that cage over there?” Professor Pager replies. “Oh, she won’t be of any real help to you.”

“Take back what you just said about our sister!” Star shouts, jumping onto Professor Pager’s face and scratching at his face while making cat noises.

“AAAHH!!! Get him off! Get him off!” Professor Pager shouts while all of the other heroes race to Solar.

“Solar, are you okay!?” Mark says to Solar, who expresses cheer at the sight of her friends and brothers helping her, along with the officers.

“Don’t worry, Solar, I’m gonna find a way to get you out!” Nite says. While Star is still fighting Professor Pager, Nite reaches for lock picks he hid in his left pants pocket, grabs one, and shoves it into the lock to hopefully get Solar out of the cage. “Good thing I bought these,” he says to himself.

“Enough!” Professor Pager shouts as he grabs Star and throws him to a wall, albeit Sophie being able to jump at the right time to catch him. Steve now has scratches all over his face from Star’s claws. He then runs to Nite and pulls him away from the cage just before he was able to unlock it.

“No!” Nite shouts. “I was so close!” He then gets thrown as well, hitting Star just as Sophie set him on the ground.

“Star! Nite!” Sophie shouts. “Are you two okay?”

“We’re okay, Sophie, but Solar won’t be if we don’t hurry!” Nite answers Sophie. All three of them rush back into the fight going on to save Solar.

While watching the fight, Solar then sees the lockpick that Nite dropped. She reaches out of the cage to grab it, and then reaches for the lock hoping it would open. The lock then does open, and Solar rushes out of the cage, although without anyone looking, just so she could avoid being hurt. While she’s running, though, Dr. Greg grabs her right leg, and Dr. Rich grabs her left leg, causing her to fall over.

“Gotcha!” Greg says, standing back up alongside Rich.

“Oh no you don’t, little one,” Rich says to Solar, currently trying to escape before Greg and Rich grab her arms, making her face pout in an annoyed way.

Just then, though, Star grabs one of Professor Pager’s books and tries to throw it at Steve, but it instead hits Rich. This frees Solar’s left arm and leg, and she scratches Greg’s left arm, freeing herself entirely. She lands on the floor with her feet and left arm, gets up, and runs out of the laboratory. Outside, she meets Chief Anderson, driving over by the laboratory in his police car. “Hey, you’re that creature that two of my officers are looking for! How ya doin’?” he asks.

Solar, because she can no longer talk, then does charades, pointing him to the laboratory.

“There something inside of there?” Anderson asks, Solar nodding in response. “Oh, well, let’s see what it is.” He walks inside the laboratory, and sees the fight going on inside. “HEY!” he shouts, stopping the fight. He then walks over to Mark, Lily, Dave, Sarah, and Sophie. He asks everyone, “What’s all the fuss going on here?”

“Well, we’ve found the kidnappers right here, sir!” Officer Gale answers, pointing to Professor Pager, Dr. Rich, and Dr. Greg. All three of them try to escape, but then Star and Nite close the front door on them.

“Alright, you three, that’s enough, you’re under arrest, and any move you make against us will give you an even bigger punishment than just being sent to jail!” Chief Anderson says, walking up to the bad guys.

“Can’t be any worse than what I’ve set up,” Professor Pager says to himself quietly.

“What’s that?” Chief Anderson asks Professor Pager with a slightly angrier tone.

“Nothing, nothing,” Professor Pager replies suspiciously as he gets sent to Anderson’s police car alongside Dr. Rich and Dr. Greg.

“Guys, we are so glad you were able to help us find Solar!” Sophie replies.

“You’re greatly welcome,” Officer Carpenter replies.

“Solar, we’re so glad to have you back!” Star and Nite say, hugging Solar, who’s so happy to be free.

Five seconds after they say that, though, Star realizes something. “Hey, uh, if you don’t mind me asking, why are you so quiet right now?” he asks.

This question makes Solar shocked, because she somehow forgot. She tries to do charades to them and their human friends, but they don’t see what she’s trying to say.

“You ate a giant sandwich?” Star asks.

“You threw up in the car you were trapped in?” Mark asks.

“Mark!” Lily replies, disgusted.

“What? Just a question,” Mark replies.

“You had something pressed on your neck?” Nite asks, making Solar nod.

“Oh, I know, those guys had to struggle hard to bring you inside of the lab!” Star says.

Solar facepalms in frustration.

“Well, then even I don’t know,” Nite says.

Solar then grabs Lily’s notebook and pen, making her say, “What the-?” Solar then writes down, “Those guys stole my voice!” She then shows what she wrote to everyone, making them all gasp in horror.



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