I draw a lot (i.e. Sonic, Gumball, my OCs like the Starlights)
Also loves movies & rock/metal music

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Starlights, chapters 4-6

Posted by MajorStarlight - April 30th, 2024

Chapter 4 (April 29, 2016).

In a dark, grim forest, the portal the Starlights were thrown into opens up and throws them out. They all fall onto the ground and get hurt by it. “Ouch,” Star says.

“So much for a smooth landing,” Nite says. He and the others look around and see the forest they’re in. “Whoa, where are we now?”

“Well, I know that we’re in a forest,” Star answers.

“What, you think I don’t know that?” Nite replies.

“Hey, I’m just saying where we are, that’s all,” Star replies.

“Well, we all have eyes, we can see for ourselves. Right Solar? Solar?” Nite sees Solar in tears and curled up. “Solar, are you okay?”

“Do I look okay?” Solar silently asks. “I don’t like being outside in the dark; it’s too scary out here! This is a very common type of place for horrible creatures to lurk in for their prey.” Then, in a higher pitched voice and with more tears forming, she shouts, “And all three of us are the prey!”

“Oh, poor Solar,” Nite says as he kneels down to comfort Solar. “Look, we’ll find a way out of this forest, don't you worry.”

“Are you sure?” Solar asks.

“Of course, Solar,” Star replies. “I mean, yes, this place is very dark, but I’m sure we can still find a way to safety! I mean, we’re the Starlights! We always work things out together!”

“Actually, you’re right!” Solar replies, more enthusiastic. “Together, we will find our way to safety, and we’ll also find a way back home!”

“Yeah!” Star and Nite reply.

Suddenly, all three of them hear leaves break. This causes Solar to jump and shout, “What was that!?”

Star and Nite both lose the feeing of courage, with Star saying, “Aw,” and Nite saying, “So much for making Solar happy again.”

As the sound of breaking leaves gets closer, Solar gets more scared, and she even sees a light near them. “Oh no, they’re out for us!”

“Look, Solar, we can-” Star gets interrupted.

“And they’re getting closer!” Solar shouts.

“Solar, calm-“ Nite got interrupted.

“That’s it! I can’t take it anymore!” Solar shouts. She jumps right out of a bush she was hiding in, sees a brown-furred erinafeis holding a flashlight, and roundhouse kicks him in the face. He falls onto the ground as Solar continuously punches him. “I’ll show you for trying to kill us!” she shouts.

“Solar, calm down right now!” Nite shouts.

“No! Not until I’m done with this monster!” Solar shouts as she continues to punch.

“Solar, stop right now and look at what you’re doing!” Star shouts.

Solar then stops and sees an innocent male erinafelis being beaten up by her. In a very timid voice, she cries, “Oh, uh, I'm so sorry, sir!”

Then a white-furred female erinafelis comes by and says, “Oh no!” She runs towards the man and says, “Mark, are you okay!?”

“Ugh, I’m fine, yes,” Mark says as the woman, named Lily, picks him up.

As Lily helps Mark back up, Solar hugs them both and exclaims, “I’m so sorry, miss, I thought he was a monster. Please forgive me, I didn't know.”

“It’s alright, dear, you were likely in that bush and you didn’t see him,” Lily says.

“Yeah… As long as I’m still alive and not too injured, I'll be perfectly fine,” Mark responds as he stands on his own two feet.

Then Star and Nite show up with their hands behind their backs, laughing a little out of embarrassment. “Oh, are these you’re friends right here?” Lily asks Solar.

“No, they’re not just my friends, they’re my older brothers!” Solar answers. “I’m Solar, and this is Star and Nite! We are called the Starlights!”

“Aw, that’s cute,” Lily says. She then introduces herself by saying, “Anyway, I’m Lily Wilson.”

“And I’m her husband, Mark Wilson,” Mark introduces himself.

“Hi, Mark and Lily,” the Starlights introduce themselves.

“So, now that we all know each other’s names, we do you three come from?” Mark asks.

“Well, it’s a long story,” Nite answers. “Say, do you have a house we can stay in to tell you more about ourselves so we don’t have to stay out here in this dark, creepy forest?”

“Why yes, we do,” Mark answers. “We live in a house only 20 miles away from here.”

“That’s good,” Star says.

“Alright then, let’s go,” Lily says as she and the others have a walk together towards her car. They enter and Lily drives away from the forest.

As Lily is driving to her and Mark’s house, she starts saying to the Starlights, “So, uh, about how you three got here.”

“Ah, yes,” Nite starts to explain. “We live with our parents in a small town by the name of Wattersonville. We were all just fine living together in our house, but then this evil guy named Overlord Nebula showed up and sent us all the way over here.”

“Yeah, and this isn’t even the first time he’s attempted to attack us,” Star says.

“Really? This isn’t the first time? Well, tell us more about this Overlord Nebula guy,” Lily replies.

“You see, our parents were our age, 40 years ago. They worked in a military army with our grandparents because they wanted to be fighters, although, they were assigned to help them with supplies,” Star explains. “But then, out of nowhere, Overlord Nebula showed up and killed our grandparents. And now, our parents have a horrific amount of stress over this event to this very day.”

“Yeah. If I saw one of my family members die in a war, I would never be able to leave that out of my head,” Mark replies. He then turns to his left and sees Solar sitting in the middle backseat crying. “I guess you really miss your home, don't you?”

“Yeah, she does,” Nite says. “And when she misses something close to her, she really misses it.”

“Yeah,” Star replies. “I mean, we all miss our home already, but she misses it the most. She’s always felt like home was the only place of comfort for her, having always been picked on at school. Really doesn’t help that she has autism.”

“Oh, poor Solar,” Lily says.

“Please find a way back to my home,” Solar cries.

“It’s okay, Solar, we’ll find a way back to your home,” Lily says. “Won’t we, Mark?”

“Absolutely,” Mark answers.

“Ah, see, here’s our house,” Lily says as she drives closer to her and Mark’s house. After she parks and everyone gets out of the car, she and Mark both give Solar a warm hug to comfort her.

“Thank you,” Solar says. “I don’t want to let Nebula destroy the very place I love staying in.”

“It’ll all be okay, Solar,” Mark says. “How about we relax and watch cartoons together.”

“Okay,” Solar says as she and the others walk into the house.

Chapter 5 (September 23, 2016).

Back in the Starlights’ home, Flare and Orion wake up from being unconscious. “Oh man… what happened to us…?” Flare very slowly asks.

“Well, my guess is that we were knocked out by Overlord Nebula as soon as he threw our kids out of this house,” Orion says in a low tone of voice from just getting up.

Flare’s eyes widen as she shouts, “What!? You mean Nebula threw out our kids, knocked us unconscious, and just left us here on the ground!? That no-good heartless son of-!”

“I know, I know, it’s terrible, it’s absolutely terrible,” Orion interrupts so that Flare doesn’t go on a huge rant. “But we can’t just stay here and let him win like this.”

“Yes, I get it, Orion. But where he did he take our kids?” Flare cries, depressed.

“Well,” Orion starts to say. “Wherever he took them, we will find them one day.”

“Yeah, and we’ll do everything to protect them and show Overlord Nebula to never mess with us!” Flare shouts with tears in her eyes.

“We will, Flare, we will,” Orion says to cheer Flare up. “And I’m also sure they'll find us.”

“You really think so?” Flare asks.

“Yeah. I mean, those three are brave enough to not let anything get in their way," Orion starts explaining. “Like when Star learned about his own reading difficulties and started doing something about it...”

*flashback to four years ago*

Star and Flare are sitting on a bench outside a nurse’s office. The door opens, and a red-pink erinafelis in a nurse’s outfit says, “Star Starlight?”

“That’s us, ma’am!” Flare replies as she and Star walk into the office.

“Sit over here,” the nurse says as Star and Flare sit on black chairs right in front of the desk. The nurse sits behind the desk and asks, “So tell me, what exactly is the problem here?”

“Well, I keep failing my accelerated reading tests,” Star answers. “Every time I do one, I keep getting very low scores on them. And I keep only doing one every semester because of how much of a slow reader I am. I’ve always made sure to read very closely to the books I read, and memorize it all, but it keeps leading to failure, and I have to do extra credit work to pass every time.”

“Hmm...” the nurse starts pondering. “With the slow reading and how hard reading in general is for you, it seems like you may have dyslexia.”

“Dyslexia?” Star asks.

“It’s having trouble reading, dear,” the nurse explains. Star then looks down with a sad look on his face.

“Aw, don’t feel too bad, Star,” Flare starts, putting her left hand on his right shoulder. “Being dyslexic doesn’t mean you have low intelligence. You just happen to have a harder time reading written words despite normal intelligence. I’ll tell you what, how about I work with you every time you have to read for an accelerated reading assignment?”

Star then looks back at mom with a smile on his face. “Aw, thanks mom!” He then hugs Flare, who hugs Star back.

*flashforward to present day*

Flare laughs out of fondness. “Ah, I remember that! I remember how much better I made him feel!”

“Yep,” Orion replies. “And as it turns out, he’s doing better than ever thanks to you.” He and Flare both laugh. “I also remember how Nite dealt with his big issue...”

*flashback to six years ago*

Nite is in his room doing an experiment. “Hm... I wonder if I can create infinity with this tiny little laser beam,” he asks himself. He puts two small mirrors in front of each other and grabs a very small laser shooter. He tries to aim at an angle where the beam would reflect onto the other mirror, but he angles it wrong, and the beams touches his left eye. “OW!” he screams, dropping the beam shooter and covering his left eye with his left hand.

“What happened!?” Orion asks, running towards Nite. “Nite, are you okay!?”

“No!” Nite answers painfully, revealing his left sclera being slightly more red from the accident. “I can barely even see from this eye anymore, it’s so blurry now!”

Orion rushes for band-aids to use. He grabs a square one and covers Nite’s eye with it. “Any better?”

Nite starts sobbing. “Yeah, kinda,” he answers.

“Was this another one of your crazy science experiments?” Orion asks.

“Y-yeah...” Nite answers.

“Yeah, I suggest that you call me or mom next time you plan on doing these things, got that?” Orion asks.

“Yes sir, I understand,” Nite answers. “Is my eye gonna recover in any way?”

Orion looks at the size of the laser shooter Nite was using. “Hm...” he starts. “I think you’ll come out okay. Just give it some time, and you’ll be good. At least you weren’t using a bigger one, or there’d be no way you’d recover.”

“Right, dad,” Nite replies. They both give each other hugs.

*flashforward to present day*

“Yeah, I’m really glad that was a small laser that got his eye and not a big one,” Flare says.

“Yeah,” Nite replies. “Thankfully, it only led to him needing a band-aid and, later on, getting a pair of glasses. And then there’s Solar, who once came to me a year ago and talked about her true feelings that she kept to herself for a while.”

“Yeah? And what did she talk to you about?” Flare replies.

“Well, it was the week after our kids got out of school for Summer break that year,” Orion starts to explain.

*flashback to a year ago*

Flare and Orion are watching WarnCom News at 6 together. Suddenly, Solar walks slowly towards them. “Oh hey, Solar,” Flare says. “How are you doing?”

“Well, I have something to share with dad,” Solar answers.

“With me? Um, okay,” Orion replies.

“Well, what about me?” Flare asks.

“Well, I’ve already told you, mom. Now’s the time I tell dad in private,” Solar answers.

“Oh, okay then,” Flare replies, remembering what Solar is talking about. “Well, if you don’t mind, Orion, I’m gonna go pick up Star and Nite from their Labyrinth Creatures campaign.”

“Sure thing,” Orion replies as Flare heads out of the house. “So, what was it you wanted to tell me, Solar?”

“Well, it’s something I’ve wanted to share, but was really scared to,” Solar started.

“Okay,” Orion replies.

“And when I talked to my brothers about this, they said I shouldn’t try to hide myself because of it, and encouraged me to be open and honest about it.” Solar starts to explain timidly.

“Alright, so what is it?” Orion asks.

Solar starts to slowly breathe in, and then breathes out to tell Orion what she wanted to tell him. “I am bisexual.”

“Oh, you are?” Orion asks, a little bit surprised.

“Y-yeah,” Solar replies. She then starts to get scared and cries, in a very timid tone of voice, “Please don't hurt me!”

“Relax, Solar,” Orion says, wanting to calm her down. “I would never even think of hurting you. You’re my daughter.”

“R-really?” Solar asks.

“Yeah. In fact, I myself am bi, but I never let anyone try to tell me otherwise,” Orion replies. “It really doesn’t matter what gender you have feelings for and nor should it. It doesn’t change your personality, interests, or anything. You just happen to have the capacity to be in love with boys and girls around your age. Don’t let anyone discourage you from being you, because it’s only your life to deal with, not theirs!”

“Thanks, dad!” Solar cries happily, hugging Orion.

“No problem, Solar,” Orion replies, hugging Solar back. “You’ll always be my daughter no matter what.”

*flashforward to present day*

“Oh yeah, I remember what you said that conversation of yours was about. Yeah, that must’ve been very sweet to see Solar being shown how loving you are to not just her, but also this entire family!” Flare says happily in a very soft voice, hugging Orion.

“Exactly. I'm also glad those kids know how to handle things pretty well,” Orion replies. “We just have to make sure that we make an effort to find them and get revenge on Nebula! And that, honey, is exactly what we’re gonna do! So what are we waiting for? Let's get to it!”

“Right!” Flare says, encouraged. She and Orion head outside to find Star, Nite, and Solar.

Behind their house, Overlord Nebula says, “Oh, you'll find your kids... after I’m done with you...”

“So, what do we do now, boss?” East asks.

“East, Orbo, Ray... I want all three of you to set up a trap for Flare and Orion!”

“Wha-what kind of tr-trap, sir?” Orbo asks.

“Well, I was thinking about, uh, ropes for their feet, or bear traps, or-” Ray was saying.

“Shut it, you!” Overlord Nebula says, grabbing Ray by the neck.

“I’m sorry,” Ray replies, suffocating. “I’m just trying to help!”

Overlord Nebula lets go of Ray by dropping him on the floor. “We follow my way of capturing those two. One hundred percent guaranteed to stop them!” he says. “Now, let’s go!” He and his trio head off to set up a trap to stop both Flare and Orion from saving their kids.

Chapter 6 (February 14, 2017).

Meanwhile, at Lily’s house, the Starlights, along with Mark and Lily, are currently sleeping, with the Starlights being in the living room and both Mark and Lily in their own rooms.

Solar is dreaming of a past event when she, at seven years old, was at a playground in school. All of the other kids were at the playground, swinging on the swings and going down the slides and whatnot, while Solar was at the grassland picking flowers. She then put all of the picked flowers together to create a little halo to put on her head. “Wow! I can't wait to show mom this when I get home!” She gets up and proceeds to walk towards the playground. Suddenly, she gets pushed forwards onto the ground, the halo falling off of her head and onto the grass, and then it gets picked up, which makes Solar look up and see a light green female erinafelis and a brown male one.

“Aw, what a lovely set of flowers,” the light green female one says, holding it. “Too bad nothing lasts forever!” She then throws it down onto the floor and steps on it, rubbing her left foot on it.

This, of course, makes Solar gasp in fear and start to tear up. “My... my flowers...” she starts to say. “You... you destroyed them...”

The light green erinafelis pulls Solar’s face up to her face by pulling on her shirt. “Yeah, that’s right! I destroyed you’re ‘pwecious wittle fwowers’ right in front of your face, to show how helpless you truly are, especially whenever your brothers aren’t here right now!” She then pushes Solar towards the grass.

“Wh-what are you even saying right now!?” Solar says, tearing up furiously.

“Face it, Solar, if it weren’t for your two brothers, no one would be here to care about you!” the brown male erinafelis starts saying. “And what if you three go your separate ways, huh? Would you have anyone else to care about you? Heck, you pretty much are separate from them at school, seeing as how you always want to be by yourself here!”

“But... but I...” Solar says, crying.

“Anyway, we've spent more than enough time rambling, see ya later, oh cowardly one,” the light green erinafelis says, walking away with the brown one.

Solar is left with her knees on the grass, crying in despair, and then shouts out loud, which triggers her to wake up. This also wakes Star and Nite up from how loud it is.

“Solar, what's wrong?” Nite asks quietly, rubbing his eyes and then his glasses. “Did you just have a big nightmare or something?”

“Well, I... I...” Solar started, sobbing. “I was having a d-dream that w-was exactly like th-that one light green girl and b-b-brown boy saying h-how useless I am!”

“Oh, don't feel bad, Solar,” Nite says, rubbing her back. “That was five years ago, it’s in the past where it belongs. Besides, Star and I walked up to them right afterwards and taught them a lesson, didn’t we Star?”

“Yeah! I clawed them right in their faces to show her what happens when you mess with even one of us!” Star replies with a courageous tone that goes down right afterwards. “Which may have led to them having to get face surgeries, but they started it!”

“Yeah, that was too far, but putting that aside, you really are so much more caring and helpful than they ever were. So, you may be a bit different from others, but being yourself really is all that should ever matter! Those two kids just didn't know how much you mean to us and other people!” Nite says to make Solar feel a lot better.

“Yeah, you're right!” Solar replies. “I also shouldn’t be so afraid to stand up for myself, either, which is especially important in a situation like this where we have to find our way back home and stop Overlord Nebula once and for all!”

“Yeah, that’s the spirit, Solar!” Star and Nite both say.

“And together, along with help from Mark and Lily Wilson, we can, in fact, accomplish that goal!” Solar says.

“Yeah!” Star and Nite both cheer.

“Alright, guys, now that we’ve taken care of that, I think it’s best to head back to sleep right now,” Star says. “You don’t want to be too tired when you go to some nearby area we’ve never been to yet.”

“Wait, what?” Solar replies.

The very next day, Mark and Lily are taking the Starlights to the agency they work at. Solar is shivering with fear as she walks inside. Nite sighs and says, “So much for our encouragement from last night...”

“Well, here we are, kids,” Mark starts to say. “The very place Lily and I work at: The Mobian City Agency!”

“Yeah, this is where Mark and I take care of every crime that gets brought to our attention!” Lily says.

“Wow, just like superheroes!? Like Team VG stopping the evil doings of Chou Aharewata in the cartoons!?” Star asks.

“Yeah, in a way,” Mark answers. “We don't really have any big super powers, but we take down crime just like superheroes.”

“That’s very neat!” Star replies joyfully.

“You bet it is,” Mark says. “You know, if you want, we can meet with our boss, Mr. Wright!”

“Yeah, we’d like to meet him!” Star says. Solar, however, is very nervous, not walking with everyone else. “Come on, Solar!” Star says, making Solar quickly realize that she's being left behind.

“I’m coming!” she says, race walking.

Mark, Lily, and the Starlights stand in front of the office of the yellow-furred Ivo Wright, whose workers refer to as Mr. Wright, and Mark knocks on the door. “Come in,” Mr. Wright says as Mark and the others walk in.

“Hello, Mr. Wright,” Lily says.

“Oh, hello, Mark and Lily!” Mr. Wright says as he turns his chair forward. “It’s great to see you two this fine afternoon!”

“Hello!” Star says.

“Aw, who’s this young fellow right here?” Mr. Wright asks.

“I'm Star, and I came here with my siblings, Nite and Solar,” Star starts, with Nite and Solar saying, “Hello.” “And we come from a faraway town called Wattersonville.”

Mr. Wright responds to Star with, “Hm. Interesting.”

“Right? Mark and I discovered these three just last night in a forest 20 miles away from where we live,” Lily says.

“Hmm,” Mr. Wright replies, intrigued. “So tell me, Star, how exactly did you three come all the way over here?”

“Well, there’s this really tall guy named Overlord Nebula, and he’s the one that sent us here from a portal to prevent us from ever getting back home, and he’s about take it over if we don't do something about it!” Star answers, concerned.

“Yes, right now,” Nite answers. “We’re working with Mark and Lily so that we can put an end to Nebula’s attack! Otherwise, we’d have no home, no parents, nothing!” This makes Solar tear up once more from even thinking about it.

Mr. Wright then proceeds to laugh hard, thinking this is all a game that kids play. “Oh, man, this is too rich!” he says.

“Mr. Wright, this is serious, you have to believe us!” Star says.

“There’s no way this Nebula guy could exist anymore, because of that war that happened 40 years ago where he was killed! Man, you must not be so bright in history class!” Mr. Wright says, continues, still laughing hard.

This makes Solar start to get the urge to claw Mr. Wright's face, but Mark holds her back. “Mr. Wright, they're not joking! They really are in danger, and we're going to help them!” Mark explains.

“Yeah, sure, you go do that, while I take care of danger I actually believe!” Mr. Wright says, still laughing as he turns his chair back. Mark, Lily, and the Starlights head out of his office.

“That Mr. Wright guy is terrible!” Solar says. “I can’t believe he's the boss of a place that helps others!”

“Well, he is a very selective fellow,” Lily replies. “He doesn't believe in evil rulers coming back after wars that the lost decades ago.”

“Hey, why don't we meet close friends of ours that are more likely to believe us?” Mark asks.

“How would you know that?” Nite asks.

“Well, you’ll see once we get there,” Mark says as he and the others walk out of the Mobian City Agency.



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