I draw a lot (i.e. Sonic, Gumball, my OCs like the Starlights)
Also loves movies & rock/metal music

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Starlights, chapter 7-9

Posted by MajorStarlight - May 1st, 2024

Chapter 7 (June 3, 2017).

Three minutes later, Mark, Lily, and the Starlights all arrive at another building. “Well, here we are,” Mark says.

“Mac? What kind of name is Mac? Is the owner named Mac?” Star says, reading the name of the building above the two front doors that lead to the entrance.

“Star, there’s a period after each letter. It must stand for Mobian Arcade Center,” Nite replies.

“Correct,” Lily replies.

“Oh, sorry, didn’t see that,” Star says.

“There’s no need to be sorry, Star,” Mark says. “All that matters is that this Lily and I have two friends who work here that are a lot more willing to help than Mr. Wright is!”

“Are you sure about that?” Nite asks.

“Of course we are,” Lily answers. “Plus, they have a 17-year-old daughter who loves helping people! She doesn’t let anything get in her way of helping, and tends to believe people when they show such despair in their emotions!”

“Oh hey, that’s just like me!” Star exclaims.

“Exactly, Star!” Lily replies.

“I don't know...” Solar says. “I’m a little nervous about this...”

“Don’t be,” Lily replies. “Just walk inside and we’ll show you.” She, Mark, and the Starlights then walk inside the Mobian Arcade Center. When they all walk to the front desk, they see Dave and Sarah Lavender on their computers. Dave has dark purple fur while Sarah has light purple fur. Mark and Lily greet them by saying, “Hello!”

“Mark, Lily! Fancy seeing you two here!” Sarah says, getting up from her chair to shake Mark and Lily's hands.

“Yeah, it must’ve been... maybe six months since we've seen each other here,” Dave says, doing the same as Sarah. “So, what brings you here on this fine day?”

“Well, we here have three kids here that we’re helping out,” Lily answers.

“Hello,” the Starlights all say, waving their right hands.

“Oh, aren’t you three just the cutest things here we’ve seen!” Sarah says. 

“Heh heh... uh, thank you, miss,” Nite replies, slightly blushing as he rubs the back of his head with his left hand.

"Oh, I’m sure Sophie would love to meet you!” Sarah says.

“Yeah, I’m sure she would be,” Dave says.

“That’s what Mark and Lily said,” Star replies.

“So tell me, how did you three end up here?” Dave asks.

“Well, we actually come from a far away town," Nite answers.

“Oh, I see,” Dave says. “How far away is it?”

“Well, we were all actually thrown out of there by an evil overlord wanting to take that place over,” Star says. “And we’ve been trying to get help on going back there all the way from here.”

“Yeah,” Solar replies, sobbing with tears coming from her eyes. “And if we don’t stop him... everything we have there will be forever lost... including our mom and dad!” She then breaks down crying.

“Oh, that’s not good at all,” Sarah replies.

“No, it isn’t,” Mark says. “Especially for Solar, who has autism, making it harder for her to ever want to accept.”

“And she’s been through many hardships that no 12-year-old like her should go through, including everyone in her school always picking on her out of everyone else,” Lily says.

“I don’t want to lose everything that makes me happy!” Solar says, still crying. “There will nothing left to make me feel better!”

Dave then lowers himself to Solar’s height by putting his left knee on the floor, and then he puts his right hand on Solar’s left shoulder. He then tells her, in a calm voice, “Don’t worry, Solar. Mark, Lily, Sarah, and I will all help you three on your quest. And I’m 100 percent positive Sophie would be too.”

“You think so?” Solar asks timidly.

“I don't just think so, I know so!” Dave answers. He then gives her a hug, and then stands back up.

“So, do you think we can leave them all here for now while we work at our agency?” Lily asks.

“Absolutely,” Sarah answers. “I’m sure they’ll have a great time with Sophie here, especially with all of the arcade games we have.”

“Thank you so much!” Lily says, shaking Sarah’s hand once more.

“No problem!” Sarah says to Lily. “Come on you three!” she says to the Starlights as they walk to the arcade section with her and Dave.

At the arcade section, a 17-year-old purple-furred girl named Sophie Lavender is playing what looks like a Sega Super GT arcade machine. “Yes! I won every track!” she says gleefully. She then sees her parents Dave and Sarah and walks to them. “Hi mom, hi dad!”

“Hello, Sophie!” Dave and Sarah say.

“Well, three kids came by that could like to use our help,” Dave says to Sophie. “Say hi to Sophie, you three!” he then says to the Starlights.

The Starlights move in front of Dave and Sarah, and then say, “Hi.”

“Hello, everyone!” Sophie replies, hugging all three of them.

“Too... tight...” Solar says.

Sophie then lets go and asks the Starlights, “So, where do you three come from?”

“Well, Mark and Lily needed a place for us to be while they work, and we also need you and your parents to help us,” Nite answers.

“Well, I'm always willing to help!” Sophie replies.

“Well, seems like your parents were right about you,” Nite says to Sophie.

“Yep!” Sophie replies. “So, what kind of help do you three need, and where do you come from?” Sophie asks.

“Well, it’s a long story,” Star answers. “Can we tell it somewhere else?”

“Yeah, I don't mind!” Sophie answers as she enters three letters in the game she played to register her high score. “How about at the food area?”

“Sure, that’d be nice,” Star replies.

“The... food area?” Solar says, nervous.

“Yeah, the food area. Are you scared of food areas?" Sophie asks Solar with her eyebrows perked.

“Yeah, we might want to explain that too,” Nite says. “Calm down, Solar, we’ll be right here with you,” he then says to Solar.

“Okay...” Solar replies as she goes with Star, Nite, and Sophie to the food area.

“Have fun, you four!” Dave says. He then walks back to the front desk with Sarah.

At the food area, Sophie and the Starlights sit down at a table Sophie set up with chairs. “So, as you all may know, my name is Sophie,” she introduces herself.

“Yeah, we know,” Star replies.

“So tell me, what are your names, and what are you about?" Sophie asks.

“Well, starting with me, my name is Star Starlight, and my siblings are Nite and Solar!” Star starts. “Collectively, we are called the Starlights!”

“Interesting!” Sophie replies.

“So, about me in particular. I really love superheroes, and I always aspire to be one, fighting crime and saving innocent civilians!” Star explains.

Sophie laughs a little and says, “Well, you sure look like one to me!”

“Why thank you, miss!” Star replies in a cheesy superhero-like tone of voice, making everyone laugh.

“And you, Nite?” Sophie asks Nite.

“Well, I like to get every bit of information I can out of everything I have a particular interest in! I also try to find every possible solution to every problem I face!” Nite answers.

“Oh, so you use knowledge to your advantage? That's cool!” Sophie says.

“Yeah,” Nite replies. “Every little bit of info always helps!”

“And what about you, Solar?” Sophie asks Solar. Solar, however, doesn’t say anything, being scared to. “Solar?” Sophie asks, curious.

“Oh, yeah... Solar doesn't really like talking about herself,” Star says to Sophie.

“How come?” Sophie asks.

“Well, uh... hey do you mind if we go to that back door over there?” Star asks.

“Yeah, I don’t see why not,” Sophie answers. She walks towards the back door with a green exit sign over it alongside Star and Nite, leaving Solar alone. “Alright, so, why is Solar quiet? And also scared?”

“Well, you see, Solar is... scared of meeting new people,” Star starts to explain. “She’s always been harassed by her peers at school for never being able to ‘fit in’ with any of them. Autism’s always made her the easiest target there, and she’s never been able to stand up for herself; we have to help her.”

“Aww, poor Solar,” Sophie replies.

“Yeah, and then there's the fact that we’ve been taken away from our home and parents,” Nite starts, making Sophie gasp. “This evil overlord named Nebula threw us out, and now we’re trying to find our way back home and help our parents.”

“That's horrible,” Sophie replies.

“Yeah, for us and especially Solar,” Nite says.

“Hearing about this breaks my heart because, well, I myself have autism too, and I’ve gone through bad times in school as well,” Sophie starts.

“Really?” Star and Nite both ask.

“Yeah. Much of my childhood was rough and I rarely ever got to do stuff normal girls do in school,” Sophie explains, starting to tear up alongside Star and Nite. “But then, when I was eight, my parents knew about my situation in school, and so they decided on home-schooling for me. And then they also founded this place so I can have fun as well. And after all of the bullying I went through in school, hearing this story about Solar feels like fire to my heart.”

“It breaks my heart too,” Star replies, starting to cry. “I don’t want to lose everything I have!”

“Well, the only thing worse than losing everything we have is not fighting for it!” Nite says, catching Star and Sophie’s attention. “No matter how big the scale of our problem is, that doesn’t mean we can’t at least fight back! I mean, why do you think Mark and Lily asked Dave and Sarah for help in the first place? To see if they, and you Sophie, can help us!”

“Yeah, you're right,” Star replies. “I’m gonna show that Overlord Nebula who’s the real boss!”

“Yeah! Let’s go tell Solar that I’m here to help, and that she has nothing to fear!” Sophie says.

“Yeah!” Star, Nite, and Sophie all cheer together.

At the food area, Solar is sitting at the same table everyone was at earlier. She then sees Mark and Lily standing by the exit. She got up and headed for the exit, when all of a sudden, she got captured. She then screams “What’s happening!? WHAT'S HAPPENING!?”

Star, Nite, and Sophie walk out, and then see Solar captured in a cage. “Solar!” they all shouted. Turns out, Mark and Lily were actually disguises by two other people who run off with Solar in the cage.

“STAR! NITE! SAVE ME!!” Solar shouts, crying.

“This is bad!" This is really bad Sophie exclaims. “We need to let my parents, as well as Mark and Lily, know about this, and save her! Fast!” Sophie, Star, and Nite head straight for Dave and Sarah. “Mom! Dad!”

“What is it, Sophie?” Sarah asked.

“Solar's been taken away!” Sophie explains.

“Dave, get Mark and Lily on the phone now!” Sarah told Dave.

“Right on it!” Dave replies. He contacted Mark on the phone. “Hello, Mark? Yeah, it’s Dave, we have a big emergency right now! Solar’s been taken away! She's not here anymore! Meet you at the Mobian City Agency!? Okay! I’ll see you there!” He then ends the conversation.

Chapter 8 (September 23, 2017).

“Hey! Let me go!” Solar shouted at the two people who kidnapped her as they’re currently driving. “Let me go right now!” She, however, doesn’t realize the drivers can barely even hear a noise in the back of the truck, with only a window to see through between the back and the driver and passenger area.

The kidnappers then take off their wigs and masks. “Well, looks like we got it all taken care of,” said a light brown-furred Dr. Greg Hassle, who was disguised as Mark.

“That may be so, but why did I have to be the lady as part of this?” asked a white-furred Dr. Rich Jouse, who was disguised as Lily.

“Oh shut up, that’s not even slightly important,” replies Greg. “As long as it works, right? Now go call Professor Steve Pager about this.”

“Alright,” Rich said. He enters Steve’s number on the phone. “Hello. Yeah, we got your new subject. Uh-huh. Alright, we’ll be there as soon as possible. Okay, see you then. Bye.” He then hangs up. “Well, he sure seems quite happy about this!”

“Well, why wouldn’t he be? We’ve found a new test subject for him to use!” Greg says. “And we’re the ones who helped him out! Just think, Rich, you and I will be one step closer to a promotion by Professor Steve Pager in his laboratory!” He and Rich both start to laugh menacingly, which Solar can hear slightly. This makes her scared, and she then curls up, hoping for her brothers to save her.

Meanwhile, in Wattersonville, Flare and Orion drive over to another house. They exit the car, and then they walk up to the house and knock on the door. The door is then opened by Flare’s brother, Astro Neptune. “Hello, Flare and Orion!” Astro says.

“Hey, Astro!” Flare and Orion reply, giving Astro a hug.

“Nice to see you two once again!” Astro says.

“I know, it’s been almost a decade since we’ve last seen each other!” Flare replies. She and Orion then walk into the house, where they also see Astro’s husband, Zodiac Venus-Neptune.

“Oh hey! It’s my siblings in law!” Zodiac says, standing up from the couch.

“Hi, Zodiac!” Flare and Orion reply, giving him a hug as well.

“Yeah, have a seat right there,” Zodiac says, as Flare and Orion both sat on separate recliners. “So, what brings you two here? How are things going right now?”

“Well, our lives were going pretty well, especially with our kids,” Flare answers.

“That’s good,” Zodiac says. “It’s great to get along with your children.”

“Yeah,” Orion replies. “Until yesterday, that is.”

“Oh, what happened?” Zodiac asks, worried.

“Well, our children were just taken away from us,” Orion answer.

“WHAT!?” Zodiac and Astro both exclaim.

"Yeah,” Flare says. “Our kids were all taken by someone we thought was killed 40 years ago.”

“And who would this someone be, if you don’t mind me asking?” Astro asks.

“Overlord Nebula,” Flare answered. This terrifies both Astro and Zodiac.

“NEBULA!?” they both shout.

“Yes, that Nebula,” Orion says.

“Oh no... those rumors were true after all... this is preposterous!” Astro exclaims, worrying.

“Do you know where he took the kids!?” Zodiac asks Flare and Orion.

“Well, he had a portal with him that sent the kids out of this world,” Orion answers. "Unfortunately, we don't know where he sent them...”

“But even if we don’t know where they are, we need your help doing at least something to find them, like maybe some missing posters of them,” Flare explains.

“Well, it’s better than nothing, I suppose,” Zodiac replies. “Do you have recent pictures of them?”

“Of course,” Flare answers, pulling out her phone to load up a picture of the Starlights together. “Here’s them with their own new handheld gaming consoles from Christmas.” The picture is the Starlights all playing what look like Nintendo Switch consoles with neon colored Joy Cons.

Astro looks closely at this picture. “I thought you had three sons,” he says.

Flare realizes she never told Astro about Solar. “Let’s just say things have changed since you two last saw them,” she replies. “Anyway, we need this all over the town, so that other people can help!”

“Right!” Astro and Zodiac both reply.

“And I know someone who will definitely help us over at the police station!” Orion says.

“Yeah?” Flare replies.

“My sister Uvee!” Orion answers.

“Perfect! We’ll show her this picture, and then tell her to get missing posters out there! Now let’s go!” Flare commands. She and the others all head out of the house and to the police station to get posters made.

Meanwhile, at Mobian City, Dr. Greg and Dr. Rich exit the truck and take Solar out of it, while she’s still locked in her cage. “What's going on!? Where are you taking me!?” she asks.

“Rich, hand me the silencing needle,” Greg says to Rich. Rich hands him the silencing needle.

“Needles!? I hate needles!” Solar exclaims in a very timid tone of voice. Greg then injects the needle under Solar’s left cheek, and her voice starts to completely fade away.

“There. That should do it,” Greg says to himself as Solar starts to panic even more, albeit completely silent. Greg and Rich then head to the dark brown-furred Professor Steve Pager’s laboratory.

“Hey, Professor,” Greg and Steve say.

“Why hello, my lovely assistants,” Professor Pager replies. “Ooh, what’s that!?” he then asks, seeing Solar.

“This is your new test subject,” Rich answers. “We found her at an arcade nearby.”

“Interesting,” Steve replies. “So, what kid is this?”

“Well, I overheard a conversation at the arcade, and they said her name is Solar,” Rich answers.

“Hmm,” Steve says, intrigued. He then takes a close look at Solar, which startles her a lot. He then injects another needle, this time, taking a small sample of blood from her right arm. Solar feels pain from this. Steve then puts the sample onto small square film, and then puts another small square film onto it. He puts it into a scanner to analyze Solar. “Let's see...” he says. The scanner gets done scanning. “We've done it! This child is ours now!” He starts to get very excited along with Greg and Rich.

“Now that’s what I call a success right there!” Rich exclaims.

“And you couldn’t have done it without us!” Greg exclaims.

“I know! This girl is ours to keep forever!” Steve shouted, laughing maniacally alongside Greg and Rich. This makes Solar cry even more, hoping Star and Nite find her soon.

Chapter 9 (October 27, 2017).

Mark, Lily, and the others head to the Mobian City Agency. There, they head inside Mr. Wright's office. “Mr. Wright!” Mark and Lily shout.

“What is it you want now?” Mr. Wright asks.

“Our sister is gone, sir! You’ve got to help us!” Star and Nite answer.

“Oh, a missing sister, huh?” Mr. Wright replies.

“Yes, and we need your help right now!” Mark says.

“Oh, do you?” Mr. Wright says. “I thought you and Lily were my top-tier agents that can solve crimes on your own!”

“Yes, but we do need all the help we can get, Mr. Wright!” Lily says.

“Well, I’m not the one here who goes out solving crimes, am I?” Mr. Wright asks.

“But Mr. Wright, this is serious business!” Mark says.

“Yes, I know it’s serious business, but I got other work to tend to here,” Mr. Wright says.

“Please, isn’t there anything you can do to help!?” Star and Nite shout. “This is our sister!”

“Well...” Mr. Wright starts. “I can make you some missing posters.”

“Well, it's something, at least,” Nite starts. “We’ll take what we can,” he then says, handing Mr. Wright a photo of Solar that he can scan.

Later that day, Star, Nite, and the others are now putting up missing posters across town. The sign says, “Have You Seen Her?”, with a picture of Solar on it. Nite sighs and says, “I really hope we can find her soon.”

“Yeah,” Star replies. “I already miss her.”

“Well, considering how many posters we’ve put up so far, I'm sure someone here has seen her...” Sophie says. She sees a random townsperson and says to her, “Hey, excuse me, miss.”

“Yes?” the townsperson replies.

“Do you happen to know where a pink erinafelis could be? She’s about as tall as these two right here, and has a purple flower on her head, and a light blue tank top with blue pants, and black shoes? Have you seen her?” Sophie says.

The townsperson, however, has her eyebrows perked, saying to Sophie, “Uh, no, I haven't...”

“Oh, alright then... well, thanks anyway, and let us know if you do see her,” Sophie says.

“Okay then...” the townsperson replies, walking away.

“Sorry guys, I guess we’ll just have to keep putting up these pictures,” Sophie says to Star and Nite.

“Right...” Star and Nite reply. Sophie then walks to another area to put up her next sign.

Star sighs. “Why should we put up these signs without anyone to help us find her?” he asks.

“Don't ask that, Star,” Nite replies. “We will find Solar somehow, even if it’s the last thing we do!”

“But no one is willing to help us!” Star argues with Nite.

Across from Star and Nite is a dark green-furred guy in a police outfit taking a lunch break. He sees the two brothers arguing to each other and decides to walk over there. “Hey hey hey, what is all the ruckus around here?” he asks.

“Well, we’re having a little bit of trouble trying to find our sister, Solar,” Star answers.

“Oh, I see,” the guy says. “Is that why you have all these missing signs all around? And these pictures are all of your sister?”

“Yeah,” Nite says. “Last time we saw her, she was kidnapped by two people at the Mobian Arcade Center.”

“Oh, that doesn’t sound right at all,” the guy replies.

“No, it doesn't,” Nite says. “So, do you think you can help us?”

“Well, I do work at the local police station, and I can send two particular cops to help you two find her,” the guy answers.

“You can!?” Star and Nite gleefully say.

“Why yes I can,” the guy replies.

“Ah, I see you two have met Chief Tom P. Anderson!” Lily says, walking towards Star and Nite alongside Mark.

“Mark! Lily!” the guy, named Chief Anderson, says, happy to see Mark and Lily.

“You actually know Mark and Lily?” Star asks Chief Anderson.

“Why yes I do, little one,” Chief Anderson answers. “These two used to work for me before moving to the Mobian City Agency.”

“Yeah, and we have friends that work for Chief Anderson right now!” Mark explains.

“Nice!” Star and Nite reply. “Do you think they can help us?”

“Of course we can, guys” Chief Anderson answers. “Heck, I’ll even take you all to my department!”

“We can do that, but first, I got to let other friends of mine know,” Mark says. He walks up to Dave, Sarah, and Sophie, and tells them, “Hey, you three. Can you put these signs up while I and the rest visit Chief Anderson’s department?”

“Of course,” Sarah answers.

“Thanks!” Mark replies, handing her the rest of the missing signs. He walks back to Chief Anderson and says, “Okay, now we can go.”

Later that day, Star, Nite, and the others stop on by at the police department that Chief Anderson works at. “So, Star and Nite, this is my department,” he says.

“Looks a little bit like the Mobian City Agency,” Star says.

“Kind of,” Lily replies.

“So, do you know where these two officers that can help could be?” Nite asks Chief Anderson.

“Why yes, in fact, they’re to our right in this room!” Chief Anderson answers. They all walk into the room that two police officers are currently at.

“Hello, Chief Anderson!” one of the cops says.

“Hello, Officer Bob Carpenter and Officer John Gale!” Chief Anderson says.

Officer Carpenter, the blue-furred cop who said hello, asks, “Well, where did you find these two kids right here?”

“Well, I found them alongside these two people visiting us with them,” Chief Anderson answers as Mark and Lily walk in.

“Mark! Lily!" an orange-furred Officer Gale says as he and Officer Carpenter walk over to Mark and Lily to shake hands with them.

“Gale! Carpenter!" Mark says.

“So great to see you two again!” Officer Gale says.

“So great to see you two!” Lily replies.

“Anyway, Chief Anderson said that you two came in here with these two creatures,” Officer Gale starts. “So, is there any reason you two stopped on by with them?”

“Well, let's just say that there is a third one of them, and we can't find her,” Mark answers.

“Oh, so you’re missing a third one and you came by to see if we can help?” Officer Carpenter asks.

“Yes! That’s exactly why we're here!” Mark answers.

“We contacted our boss, Mr. Wright, but he would only give us missing papers,” Lily says.

“Trust me, these guys need all the help they can get!” Chief Anderson says to the two officers.

“Well, no need to worry any further, because Gale and I are very willing to help all of you!” Officer Carpenter says.

“Yeah,” Officer Gale replies. “We don't let missing kids just slide! So, what do you say, guys?”

“Of course!” Mark and Lily answer.

“Yay!” Star and Nite shout.

"Alright! Now, do any of you have a clue here this third kid could be?” Officer Carpenter asks.

“She’s our sister,” Nite says.

“Right,” Officer Carpenter replies.

“Well, the last time we saw her, she was just taken away from the Mobian Arcade Center," Star answers.

Officer Carpenter gets a quick realization. “Head to our cars, now!”

“Huh?” Star, Nite, Mark, and Lily all reply.

“I may actually know who that could be!” Officer Carpenter says with a bit of dread in his voice.

“You do!?” Star, Nite, Mark, and Lily all ask.

“Yes, and I know that someone too... someone who is very keen on finding things to claim as his own... including kids!” Officer Carpenter says.

“WHAT!?” Star, Nite, Mark, and Lily all shout.



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